I know who you LOVE!! And... I LOVE THEM TOO!

You know who these kids are. You like these kids. You are always excited when you get to see them. Man... a lot of them have their signatures on your shirt. A lot of you have one or more of their T-shirts and wear them with pride. You look up to these dudes. You learn from these guys. You want to BE these guys. WHY? Because they ROCK and they live the BREAK LIFE.

NOW you can do something to help NON crew. OR not. NEVER say never to watching YouTube. OK.. that was bad! BUT really, watch this NON YouTube and you will be helping them to get onto MTV!! They have to have 8000 views to be in the game. SO, once you have watched it make your friends watch, get your mom to watch it, dude, show your dog!


So, did you watch it??? What was your favourite part???

NEW! 20 Dance Mondays - dance classes for all dancers!!

  • Next year we are going to have open dance classes for all dancers on Mondays after school from 3-4.
  • Anyone can come and dance and if you are in dance class these classes will count as 6 make-up classes.
  • All dance team members are expected to attend but if you miss class it will not count as a missed practice.
  • Dance team students will have the opportunity to sign up to teach these classes. This is a great opportunity to make up choreo and practice teaching a large group.
  • There may be guest teachers during this time or Frank Hurt alumni!
  • If you are interested in leading a Dance Monday please contact Ms. J
  • I will post a calendar of who is teaching outside the studio.
  • I will also post a calendar page here for Dance Mondays - check the Studio Schedule tab at the top of this blog!
  • Can you take all 20 Monday Dance classes? This is your 20 class challenge!! Write you name on the poster in the dance room and collect stickers for every class you take! How many can you do?

Important Dates 2010 - 2011

This list was created June 11, 2010. There will be MORE important dates as I find out about new dance events. THANKS!

Important Dates 2010 / 2011

Thursday, Sept. 23: 3-5pm Dance Team Auditions
Friday, Sept. 24 Dance Teams posted – studio door/blog
Tuesday, Sept. 28 Afterschool Dance Team practices Start

Monday, Oct. 4 Morning Dance Team practices Start
Friday, Oct. 22 Dance Convention at Frank Hurt
Wed. Oct. 27: 3-4 Works in Progress Dress Rehearsal
Thurs. Oct. 28: 5:45-8 Works in Progress Show

TBA Bikrams Yoga Field Trip

Tuesday, Dec. 14:12:30-2:30 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal / Elementary
Thursday, Dec. 16: 5:45 – 9 Christmas Show

Thursday, Jan. 13 Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre
Saturday, Jan. 15 Breakout Dance Competition at Chandos Pattison Auditorium

TBA Bikrams Yoga Field Trip

TBA Harbour Dance Field Trip

Wed. April 6: 3-4 Works in Progress Dress Rehearsal
Thurs. April, 7: 5:45-8 Works in Progress Show
Sat. April 23 or 30 Outbreak Dance Competition at Chandos Pattison Auditorium

Mon. May 2: 3-3:30 Dance Teams’ Meeting
Tues. May 2- 20 Dance Team Break – Open Studio Wednesdays 3-4
Tues. May 24 Afterschool Dance Team practices resume

Fri. June 3: 12:30-2:30 June Show Dress Rehearsal / Elementary Show
Thurs. June 9: 5:45-9 June Show

Dance Show Notice June 2010

Dear parents and guardians,

Our June show, I Made It, is quickly approaching. Here are the details:

Friday, June 4, 2010: 3-5pm Mandatory Dress Rehearsal
Thursday, June 10, 2010: 5:45 – 9pm Mandatory Show

Students must have all missed classes made up by June 4 at 8:30am. Students can check on the wall to see their missed classes. They can make up classes before school and at lunch – except for Friday lunch. To make up the class they come into the studio, sign up on the board, dance ten minutes for each class missed, and then sign out on the board. Easy!

For dance class students, this show is their final exam. They will be marked on their performances. If students do not show up at the dress rehearsal they will be removed from the dance show. However, they can still earn marks by coming to the dance show and helping out back stage.

On that note, I can always use help backstage. It would be great to have at least one male and one female chaperone for each of the backstage areas. If you are interested in helping out please e-mail me at: fhdance@gmail.com

Students are reminded not to bring any valuables to the dance show. Please only bring what you need. There is a school phone they can use to call home if needed. Please pack water and a healthy snack. It tends to get quite warm in the backstage area and it is important to stay hydrated so they can perform their best.

Tickets for the dance show will be available for purchase from Ms. J in the dance office June 7, 2010. Each ticket is $5. Please get your tickets early to get the seats that you want. The doors will open for the audience at 6:45 and the show will start at 7pm. For fundraisers we will have a 50/50 draw and small bouquets for sale for $5 each.

See you at the show!
Happy Dancing,

Paula Johnson