
Costumes Block 1

Down Here
- Black leggings
- Man’s dress shirt
- Black tank top
- Bare feet
- Hair: Down but tied off face
- Make-up: stage make-up

- Different colour leggings – NOT BLACK
- WE will cut necks out of tops in the costume room
- Black tank top
- Hair: down- twist and pin bangs to side
- Make-up: stage make-up
- Shoes: boots? Revisit in January

Navid’s Dance
- I am going to go shopping over the break and try to find something high waisted and a bright top.

Group Choreos
- You and your group design- must be appropriate for school

Costumes Block 3
- Black Dickies – we have them at school
- Shirt matches your character
- Shoes: Tap, black socks
- Make-up: Stage make-up
- Hair: Match your character
- Props: Diamond and Pick ax – need wrapping paper rolls

Someone Like You
- Black leggings
- Red shirts – we have these at school
- Bare feet
- Make-up: Stage make-up
- Hair: Twist and pin

Love in this Club
- White board side: Blue T-shirt
- Window side: Red T-shirt
- Black leggings
- Sneakers
- Hair: pony tail – masters down
- Make-up: Stage make-up
- Veronica: White T-shirt – red band
- Mearon: Black shirt – blue band

- Black leggings
- Black tank top or t-shirt or long sleeve shirt
- Silver costume pieces that we have here at school.
- Shoes: Black sneakers – or the closest that you have to black
- Hair: High pony tail – bangs swooshed and pinned to the side – so you don’t flick your hair!
- Make-up: We might do something funky for Breakout but for our show and the Bell centre just normal stage make-up.

Group Choreos
- You and your group design- must be appropriate for school

Ya.. .We DANCE! 2012

Ya... We DANCE!! 2012

Get the classes you want by signing up first! I will be collecting your registration the day we come back from Winter Break. You have the whole holiday to think about which classes you want to take!

Photos: Pep Rally!!

 The purps in purple.
 Senior friends!
 We got a new kid!
 Jr. Professional look
 J Fresh will make you jump!
 Pretending we just won!!
 Ms. J.. no more jumping!!
 I gotcha!!
 First place faces.
AND... the football team? hahaha!! 

YouTube: Block 1 Navid Day 4

Progress Reports WEDNESDAY

If you are not passing Ms. J's classes you will be receiving a list of missed tasks so you can get your work in and pass!


Notice: Surrey Dance Festival, January Show and Breakout

Dear Parents and Guardians,

When we return from the Winter Break Frank Hurt Dance is going to get really busy! I would like to remind you of the last few dance events going on in January.


Thursday, Jan. 5 9:00 – 11:30 Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre

Monday, Jan. 9 12:00 – 2:40 January Dance Show– Dress Rehearsal and Elementary Show

Thursday, Jan. 12 5:45 – 8:30 January Dance Show

Saturday, Jan. 14 10:30 – 4pm Breakout Dance Competition at North Surrey Secondary

The Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre on Thursday, January 5. Please sign and have your student return the permission form. This field trip is for marks for all dance students. The performance is free so come and watch your student(s) dance! The performance will begin around 9:30am and finish around 11:30pm.

All missed classes must be made up before the Dress Rehearsal which means the final date to make up missed classes is Thursday, January 5 at 4:20pm. Any dance class student who does not make up their missed classes will not be dancing in the show. They must still come to the show to help me backstage. There is always a lot of work to do behind the scenes!

Monday, January 9 from 12 – 2:30 we have our Dress Rehearsal / Elementary Christmas Show. Please make sure your student comes to school prepared with their costumes and enough food and water. This is a mandatory rehearsal. Students who do not attend this dress rehearsal will not be in the show.

Thursday, January 12 is The January Show. Students are to be here at 5:45pm. Please make sure they have all of their costumes and water. The doors will open for the audience at 6:45pm and the show will start promptly at 7:00pm. The show should run till about 8:15-8:30pm. This show is mandatory for dance students. If students missed the dress rehearsal they are still required to come to the dance show and help out.

Tickets are $5 each and will be for sale at the door. We will be trying something new this year – general admission. So be here right at 6:45 to get the best seats!

Please support our fundraisers at the dance show:

Flower boquets: $5 (Thanks to Mama J for donating the flowers)

50/50 Draw: $2 for three and $5 for an arm’s length.

Our final event is Breakout Dance Competition. All classes and dance teams will be performing. This year our event will be held at North Surrey Secondary. Performers will have to arrive as early as 9:30am. I will post the registration schedule and other important information on the blog when I get it. The actual competition starts at 1:30pm and should run till about 4pm. Tickets will go on sale at 10am at the door. I look forward to seeing you all there!

YouTube: Block 3 Spaceship Day 7 DONE!

Remember to leave comments.. look for mistakes. Don't use names... just describe t-shirt colour or something.

Have an awesome weekend you creepy aliens!! 

YouTube: Block 3 - Spaceship Day 4

Hey guys! My first video with the instructions didn't work - so you just have the one with the music to practise. I hope you can still practise it and get it good for tomorrow!! THANKS!!

YouTube: Block 1 Navid day 3

Photos: Students who forgot their dance strip on FRIDAY!

Who will be the next offenders?

YouTube: Block 3 Spaceship Day 2

Please practice AT LEAST 20 times starting with the RIGHT and 20 times starting with the LEFT. I will be choosing 4 people to do this part starting with the left and 5 people to do this parting starting to the right. Everyone will be in the next part! We will YouTube again on Monday. Have a happy dancing weekend :-)

Dance Team Schedule Change Nov. 23 and 24

Due to senior formal there are some schedule changes with the X block next week.

Tuesday Nov. 22 - Sr. Choreo - NO CHANGE

Wednesday, Nov. 23 - CANCELLED

Thursday, Nov. 24 - Jr. Choreo - No Tech this week ... but we will work extra hard next week! ;-)


This year’s logo was made by Elaine. Awesome job Elaine!!
The Frank Hurt Dance program is selling sweatpants and crew neck sweatshirts. Sweatpants are $25 and sweatshirts are $25. If you are interested in purchasing dance wear this year please send your student to school with exact change or a cheque made out to Frank Hurt Secondary School with their student number on the cheque. Also, make sure your student knows what size they are. We have adult size small, medium, large, and extra-large. These are the same sizes as we have had in the past.

We want to try and get the dance wear before Winter Break so the deadline for orders is Thursday, November 24, 2011.

Photos: Works in Progress Show Nov. 3, 2011

Breakout Rules


All dancers must be from the same school.

All dance teams must have a minimum of 9 dancers. All classes must have a minimum of 15 dancers.

Junior dancers may dance with seniors, but seniors cannot dance in a junior division.

All dance team and class music must be no longer than 3 minutes.

Music must be edited for all profanities and distasteful lyrics. (severe deductions)

Music must be brought on a memory stick to the D.J. at the time of warm-up. Coaches can bring an extra copy of their songs on a C.D. for back-up.

All competitors must act with respect and co-operate with all students and officials of the show.

Costumes must be appropriate for every dancer. Costumes that show too much cleavage, thongs, or boys underwear will be deducted.

Remember this is a family show so moves should be respectful of the audience. Judges may deduct for rude gestures or bad taste.

Open category is any type of dance except hip hop.


There will be ribbons given out to 6th place in categories for all dancers. Teams will receive keeper rosettes from 1-6th for their trophy case and the winning teams will take the permanent trophies home for one year and have their school name added to the trophy. These trophies will be returned for next event, 2013.

Please pick up your score sheets at the end of the competition.


If any of your numbers are choreographed entirely by a student or students attending your school please indicate this on your registration for. Put the choreographers’ name(s) and grade beside the entry. These students will be recognized in the program and there will be an awrd for best junior and senior choreographer at the end of the show.

Breakout Small Teams moved to Breakout

Breakout Small Teams competition has been moved to Breakout on January 14, 2011.  All classes and teams will be performing at Breakout. See you there! 

YouTubes: Works in Progress Class Shows

If you didn't get to join us on Novemeber 3 - here is what you missed!! Enjoy!

Block 1

Block 3