YouTube: Block 4 Beat Street

Notice: Works in Progress Show, Parent Meeting, and Bell Centre

Dear parents and guardians,

Please be aware of the upcoming events: 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015: 3-4pm – Works in Progress Dress Rehearsal
  • All dance classes and teams will be rehearsing.
  • Dress rehearsal is mandatory and for marks for dance classes.
  • Dancers must come prepared to school with their costumes.
  • Dancers who do not attend the dress rehearsal will not be in the show but must attend and help backstage for marks.
  • Students in dance classes who do not make up their missed classes before dress rehearsal (Wednesday, April 8@12pm) will not be in the show but must attend to help backstage for marks.

Thursday, April 9, 2015: 6 – 6:20pm – Seattle Dance Team Trip Parent Meeting in the theatre            If your student is planning on attending the Seattle Dance Team Trip but you are unable to             attend this meeting time, please e-mail me to set up a meeting time that will work for you.             ( At this meeting, I will collect the second payment of $75 for the trip, go             over the final itinerary, and have all the necessary forms to be completed and handed in.

Thursday, April 9, 2015: 5:45 – 8:00pm – Works in Progress Show
  • All dance classes and teams will be performing.
  • Dance class students will be marked on their performances.
  • This show is for family members only.
  • Doors open for the audience at 6:15 and the show starts at 6:30.
  • I will be greeting families at the door – so I can get to know you!
  • Donations will be accepted at the door – to go towards costumes and competitions.

Monday, April 20, 2015: 10am – 1:15pm – Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre
·      Dance performances by Surrey Elementary and Secondary schools. Frank Hurt’s Dance 9/10 Girls’, Dance 8/10 Boys’, and Dance 9 – 12 Boys’ classes will be performing.
·      Transportation: School busses provided by the district
·      Cost: Free – paid for by the district
·      Tickets: Free – family is welcome to come and watch. There is a lot of seating at the Bell Centre and it is free!
·      To do: Parents fill in and sign, have teachers sign, and students return the permission form for this field trip. Deadline for permission form is Friday, April 17 at 2:45 pm. 

See you all soon!

Paula Johnson
Dance 8-12

Free Friday Yoga in the Dance Studio

Friday, April 10 - Friday, June 5 from 3 - 4pm in the dance studio. FREE YOGA. Come gain strength and flexibility. 

Seattle Dance Team Trip: Itinerary, Forms, and Meeting

The following paperwork will be due by the parent meeting on April 9 at 6pm. Any paperwork that can be received earlier would be appreciated as it would make my job easier. I will be handing out paper copies of these forms on March 31 and April 1, during team practices. 

Parent Permission Border Crossing Letter

Parent Consent Form

Medical Information Form

Also required: Photocopies of passports/ visas and proof of travel insurance

Seattle Dance Team Trip Itinerary
Friday, June 5: 
·      6:30am Students arrive at the school, bag check, and load the bus.
·      6:45 Bus leaves for Panorama Ridge, Sullivan Heights, and then Seattle.
·      11am arrive at Nexus Hotel
·      Collect passports at the hotel and put them in the safe. (zip locks for each room)
·      Prepare costumes and make-up for dance show.
·      12:15 Travel to Northgate Elementary School Performance
·      1 – 2:30 Perform: Senior Team, Junior Team, Break Team, watch SH, NS, and have a cipher.
·      2:30 Travel back to hotel, rest and cleaned up for dinner.
·      5pm Walk to Northgate Mall for supper and shopping.
·      8:30 Walk back to hotel, socialize, swim.
·      10pm All students to rooms
·      11pm Room checks, goodnights, and taped closed.
Saturday, June 6:
·      7 – 8am Breakfast in hotel (provided)
·      8:00 – 9:00am Lyrical Contemporary Class in the ballroom  (Ms. Law) - mandatory
·      9:10 – 10:10am Hip Hop class in the ballroom (Daniel Jerome Obispo) - mandatory
·      10:20 – 11:50am Massive Monkey’s Break Dance Class (Jeromeskee) - optional
·      12:00 – 1:45 Get cleaned up to travel downtown.
·      2pm Bus to Marketplace Seattle
·      5:30pm Meet at Central Light Rail Station to travel to Safeco Stadium to see Mariner’s Baseball game.
·      7 – 10pm Watch the baseball game
·      10pm Bus to Hotel
·      11pm Return to rooms
·      11:30 Room checks, goodnights, and taped closed.
·      7-10am Breakfast in hotel (provided)
·      10am Room clean up and check-out
·      11am Bus back to Surrey
·      3pm Frank Hurt (will remind students to text or call from the border for exact pick up time)

Trip Rules:
·      All Frank Hurt Secondary school rules apply.
·      There should be no girls in the boys’ rooms and no boys in the girls’ rooms at any time.
·      At light’s out everyone must be in their own room and stay there until morning.
·      Alcohal, drugs, and smoking are prohibited for everyone on the trip.
·      Bags will be checked before we get on the bus.
·      Send kids to Ms. J if they need to leave the building. They may be allowed to leave with a buddy – if it is important. They must sign in and out with Ms. J.
·      Students must use the buddy system when we have free time in Seattle. No one should be off on their own. Each small group must have at least one phone with Ms. J’s phone number in case of emergency.
·      Students must watch the time and make sure they return to the set meeting point on time.
·      Must have a teacher supervising when swimming.

If any rule is broken by a student they will be sent home at their parents’ expense and dealt with by the administration at school.

Inappropriate behaviour and consequences…

Climbing in and out of windows/ balconies– sent home and administration visit
Breaking anything in the hotel room – must pay for damage
Illegal substances – sent home and administration visit

YouTubes: Block 4 Scratch Promo and Block 2 Geek USA

Photos: Dance Team Bonding and Bboys Before Spring Break