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Parent YouTube #2 - Harbour, WIP, Evolution, Sick

Notice for Parent YouTube #2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

There is a new Parent YouTube to watch at:

The YouTube goes over the following:

Harbour Dance Field Trip
This field trip takes place on Monday, November 9, 2009. We leave Frank Hurt on a school bus at 11:20am and we return on a school bus at 5pm. We will have an hour to eat after we dance. Please bring money for food. There are many choices: pizza, sushi, McDonalds, Burger King, pitas. Please bring comfortable clothes to dance in and water.

Works in Progress Show
Wednesday, November 18, 2009: 3:00 – 4:00 – Works in Progress Dress Rehearsal at Frank Hurt Theatre
 All dance classes and teams will be rehearsing.
 Dress rehearsal is mandatory and for marks for dance classes.
 Dancers must come prepared to school with their costumes.
 Dancers who do not attend the dress rehearsal will not be in the show.
 Students in dance classes who do not make up their missed classes before dress rehearsal will not be in the show.

Thursday, Novemeber 19, 2009: 5:45 – 8:00pm – Works in Progress Show at Frank Hurt Theatre
 All dance classes and teams will be performing.
 Dance class students will be marked on their performances.
 This show is for family members only.
 Doors open for the audience at 6:45 and the show starts at 7.
 I will be greeting families at the door – so I can get to know you!
 Donations will be accepted at the door – to go towards costumes and competitions.

Evolution Dance Competition
 Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary – 6151-180St. Surrey, B.C. V3S-4L5
 Saturday, November 28, 2009 – Doors open at 12:30 and the show starts at 1till 4pm
 Students will have to arrive at an earlier time TBA – (no earlier than 10:00am)
 Tickets are $10 in advance from Ms. J and $15 the day of the competition
 Frank Hurt has 5 team entries: Jr. Team, Jr. Breakdance, Sr. Team, Sr. Open, Sr. Breakdance
 Video cameras are allowed but no flash photography
 A concession will be available

Dance Team rules – why we have them
I have to admit, I have been getting some bad vibes about how strict dance team is. I want to make it clear to everyone that I am not mean or scary or unfair. We have rules and contracts for dance team so that everyone is treated equally and to learn to be responsible members of a team. If we had no rules you would not be the strong dedicated teams that you are. If we make excuses for one person and not for another feelings could be hurt and misunderstandings could occur which would soon start to break away at our strength. Also note, that dance team is an honour and a privilege and it is not something that I am required to do. I run five teams and live at the school for you because you are amazing and you are dedicated.

The NEW sick policy
If you are sick you should stay home. Please bring a note from your parents indicating that you are ill. These practices will not be counted if you have a note. Please include the practice date that you missed, your name, and your parent’s signature.

If you are sick, but not too bad – please come to practice to participate by watching and giving feedback. This way you will not miss as much.

If you do miss practice it is your responsibility to learn what you have missed and catch up – hopefully before your next practice. (This would be a bit hard for juniors!)

Photos from practices
I have been taking some photos at the practices – have a sneak peek into our studio lives!!

Happy Dancing!
Paula Johnson

MJ Tribute week 4

WHOA!! I messed this up!! It took SOOOOO LONG to get up on youtube!! I am not doing it again.. next week!!! The second one is messed up too!! OH WELL!! As long as you guys can dance better than I can edit video.. we will be coolio!!

Harbour Dance Field Trip - Forms available FRIDAY!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Each semester I take 23 students to dance at Harbour Dance Centre downtown Vancouver. This is an awesome opportunity for dancers to learn new styles and choreography from new teachers. Thanks to the Surrey Dance Teachers’ Association, the cost to students is $25. (Last year it was $20 but the Surrey Dance Teacher Association paid the GST and transportation.)

This field trip takes place on Monday, November 9, 2009. We leave Frank Hurt on a school bus at 11:20am and we return on a school bus at 5pm. We will have an hour to eat after we dance. Please bring money for food. There are many choices: pizza, sushi, McDonalds, Burger King, pitas. Please bring comfortable clothes to dance in and water.

All students from dance classes and teams are invited on this field trip. The first 23 students who get their parent/ teacher permission forms and money in will be the 23 students I take on the trip.

Happy Dancing!
Paula Johnson