Harbour Dance Field Trip - Forms available FRIDAY!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Each semester I take 23 students to dance at Harbour Dance Centre downtown Vancouver. This is an awesome opportunity for dancers to learn new styles and choreography from new teachers. Thanks to the Surrey Dance Teachers’ Association, the cost to students is $25. (Last year it was $20 but the Surrey Dance Teacher Association paid the GST and transportation.)

This field trip takes place on Monday, November 9, 2009. We leave Frank Hurt on a school bus at 11:20am and we return on a school bus at 5pm. We will have an hour to eat after we dance. Please bring money for food. There are many choices: pizza, sushi, McDonalds, Burger King, pitas. Please bring comfortable clothes to dance in and water.

All students from dance classes and teams are invited on this field trip. The first 23 students who get their parent/ teacher permission forms and money in will be the 23 students I take on the trip.

Happy Dancing!
Paula Johnson