Newest Schedule for the show:
Well everyone here is draft for Saturday ... if you find it too tight for your dancers let me know, especially if you have cross over dancers .. There is SOME room .. not much .... other then that, Final revision will be released on Friday!!!
1. Jr Hip Hop Div Frank Hurt Secondary
2. Sr Open Div Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary –Lyrical
3. Jr Hip Hop Div Fleetwood Secondary
4. Sr Open Div Frank Hurt Secondary – Lyrical
5. Jr Hip Hop Div Holy Cross Regional High School
6. Sr Open Div North Surrey Secondary – Contemporary
7. Jr Hip Hop Div Semiahmoo Secondary
8. Sr Open Div Fleetwood Secondary - Lyrical Lucie is this Correct???
9. Jr Hip Hop Div Queen Elizabeth Secondary
10. Sr Open Div Pleasant Valley Secondary – Musical Theatre
11. Jr Hip Hop Div North Surrey Secondary
12. Sr Open Div L.V. Rogers Secondary – Lyrical
13. Jr Hip Hop Div Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
14. Jr Quads Div Fleetwood Secondary Aaron Singh, Kyle Castro, Alex Sereda & Cidric Butac
15. Gr 8 Team/Class Div Queen Elizabeth Secondary
16. Jr Breakdance Div Frank Hurt Secondary
17. Gr 8 Team/Class Div Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
18. Sr Triples Div Semiahmoo Secondary Jami Ishikawa, Tessa Lind, Stephanie Song
19. Jr Class Hip Hop Div Fleetwood Secondary Blk D
20. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Frank Hurt Secondary
21. Jr Class Hip Hop Div Wellington Secondary
22. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
23. Sr Class Hip Hop Div Fleetwood Secondary Blk C
24. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Holy Cross Regional High School
25. Sr Breakdance Div Frank Hurt Secondary
26. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Kelowna Secondary
27. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
28. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Fleetwood Secondary
29. Sr Team Hip Hop Div North Surrey Secondary
30. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Queen Elizabeth Secondary
31. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Kwantlen Park Secondary
32. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Pleasant Valley Secondary
33. Sr Team Hip Hop Div Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
Time schedule of practise times on the floor.
Your team(s) must be checked in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled practiced time.
You have only 3 minutes. NO MUSIC unless you bring your own. You will be timed, if your team(s) miss their scheduled time, no other time will be given... Sorry
10:30 Kwantlen Park Sr Team
10:33 Queen Elizabeth Sr. Team
10:36 Queen Elizabeth Jr. Team
10:39 Queen Elizabeth Gr.8 Team
10:42 Frank Hurt Jr. Team
10:45 Frank Hurt Jr.Breakdance
10:48 Frank Hurt Sr. Team
10:51 Frank Hurt Sr. Open ( Name??)
10:54 Frank Hurt Sr. Breakdance
10:57 Semiahmoo Jr. Team
11:00 Semiahmoo Sr. Trio
11:03 Holy Cross Jr Team
11:06 Holy Cross Sr. Team
11:09 Sir Charles Tupper Sr.Team
11:12 Sir Winston Churchill Sr. Team
11:15 Fleetwood- Sr. Class Blk A Open
11:18 Fleetwood Sr. Class Blk C Team
11:21 Fleetwood Jr. Class Blk D
11:24 Fleetwood Jr. Team
11:27 Fleetwood Sr. Team
11:30 Fleetwood Jr. Quad
11:33 North Surrey Sr. Team
11:37 North Surrey Jr. Team
11:39 North Surrey Sr. Open
11:42 LV Rogers Sr. Open
11:45 Wellington Jr.Team
11:48 Kelowna Sr.Team
11:51 Armstrong Sr. Team
11:54 Armstrong Sr. Open
Junior Hip Hop Division
1. Frank Hurt Secondary -24 Dancers
2. Semiahmoo Secondary - 15 Dancers
3. Holy Cross Regional High School - 14 Dancers
4. Fleetwood Secondary - 21 Dancers
5.Queen Elizabeth Secondary - 17 Dancers
6. North Surrey Secondary - 14 Dancers
7. Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary - 15 Dancers
Grade 8 Team/Class Division
8. Queen Elizabeth Secondary - 13 Dancers
9. Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary - 14 Dancers
Junior Class Hip Hop Division
10. Wellington Secondary NEED # of DANCERS
11. Fleetwood Secondary Blk D - 18 Dancers
Senior Class Hip Hop Division
12. Fleetwood Secondary Blk C - 10 Dancers
Junior Breakdance
13. Frank Hurt Secondary - 13 Dancers
Senior Open Division
14. L.V.Rogers Secondary - 19 Dancers
15.Frank Hurt Secondary - 11 Dancers
16. Fleetwood Secondary - Blk A - 14 Dancers
17. North Surrey Secondary - 26 Dancers
18. Pleasant Valley Secondary - 24 Dancers
19.Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary - 11 Dancers
Senior Breakdance Division
20. Frank Hurt Secondary - 12 Dancers
Junior Triples/Quads Division
21. Fleetwood Aaron Singh, Kyle Castro, Alex Sereda & Cidric Butac
Senior Triples/Quads Division
22. Semiahmoo Secondary Jami Ishikawa, Tessa Lind, Stephanie Song
Senior Team Hip Hop Division
23. Frank Hurt Secondary - 24 Dancers
24. Sir Charles Tupper Secondary - 12 Dancers
25. Holy Cross Regional High School - 15 Dancers
26. Kelowna Secondary - 19 Dancers
27. Sir Winston Churchill Secondary - 9 Dancers
28.Fleetwood Secondary - 14 Dancers
29. North Surrey Secondary - 10 Dancers
30. Queen Elizabeth Secondary - 11 Dancers
31. Kwantlen Park Secondary - 12 Dancers
32. Pleasant Valley Secondary - 24 Dancers
33. Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary - 14 Dancers
The Hottest Fall Hip Hop Dance Competition
DATE: Saturday, November 28, 2009
TIME: Doors open at 12:30 pm, Show starts at 1pm
PLACE: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary – Large Gymnasium
6151 – 180th Street
Surrey, BC V3S 4L5
$10.00 Advance Tickets (available until Friday November 27, 2009)
$15.00 the day of Competition.
For Information Contact:
Ms. A. Kermode – Dance Teacher at LTSS
Phone: 604-575-7536 FAX 604-575-7540
Costume Note: Coaches were to select a style that is age appropriate and tasteful with respect to a family audience, costumes that are not acceptable include; revealing/suggestive low V- necklines, tube tops or halters/spaghetti straps. I will not allow dancer/team to perform if costume is unsuitable.
There is a lot of free parking available.
Door Prizes for Audience Members
Performance Certificates for every Dancer
Plaques for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in Class & Team Divisions
Ribbons for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th in Class & Team Divisions
Medallions for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in Duet, Triples/Quads Divisions
Note: Score Sheets will be mailed to each school with the Final Results.
Coaches and Dancers Organizational Meeting at 12:15 pm in the small gym. During this meeting I will explain/show the entrance and exit doors to the large gym, where we will be dancing.
All Dancers to LTSS before doors open at 12:00pm. They must enter through the back doors.
No Dancer will be allowed through the main gym doors.
First Aid will be available in the small gym.
- If dance teams arrive early (10:30am – 12:00 pm) they may have one practice/rehearsal with no music. Once doors open to the public, no dance teams to be on the dance floor.
- All gym doors are to remain closed at ALL times. Don’t open the small gym doors for any reason. You will be asked to leave the building and will not be able to perform.
- Only Dancers and coaches are to be in the small gym. No friends or family.
- Please remind Dancers to keep all valuables with them at all times.
LTSS will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Dancer is to bring school ID. – enter through back doors. No dancer to enter through front/main doors.
- Dancer will be check-in and be given a Wristband to be worn on the left wrist.
- Dancers must sit in the Dancer Seating area only. Please don’t stand, you will be asked to sit down.
- No Dancer to sit in general seating area, you will be asked to move.
- If you want to watch the other performances, you must enter the large gym through the gym-supply room doors, not the main entrance.
- No dancer to be hanging around the main door entrance.
- Dancers are asked to clean up garbage and their area in the small gym
- Dancers are not to do their makeup in the bathroom
- Parents must wait until the doors open at 12:30pm to enter the building. (Unless it is snowing then we will open the door early
- Seats are first come first serve
- Video cameras are allowed but no flash photography please.
- A concession will be available.
- $10.00 Advance Tickets are available by picking up at:
Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary. (Before Friday, November 27, 2009.)
6151 – 180th Street
Surrey, BC V3S 4L5
Phone: 604-575-7536
Fax: 604-575-7540
Contact Person: Ms. A. Kermode
All school rules in effect.
No alcohol, drugs, weapons, or inappropriate behaviour
No refunds will be granted if you are denied entrance or asked to leave due to intoxication or alcohol on your breath.