Driven Dance Competition - Kelowna - First Info Package

Dear Dance Teacher/Coach/Sponsor:

We are hosting our second RSS DRIVEN Dance Competition at Rutland Senior Secondary on Saturday, April 17th, 2010. Please complete this pre-registration form and fax ASAP to reserve your spot! The attached registration package, order forms and payment must be returned before March 5th, 2010. There will only be 50 spots for the night so the schools that pay first guarantee their spots.

The dance divisions will cover:

Hip-Hop: Junior and Senior Teams.

Open Team: Any style of dance such as jazz, lyrical, musical theatre, tap, multicultural.

Open: Any style of dance such as jazz, lyrical, musical theatre, tap, multicultural, hip hop etc. for all Duets, Trios/Quads.

Class: This division is open to schools who do not have a dance team but wish to bring a class. The “class” division is not open to any “team” where a selection process was used to select the group such as tryouts or an audition. This category is open to any style of dance including hip hop.

During the evening “Team” and “Class” competition we will have 2 judges panels. One panel will score juniors and the other seniors. This way there will be no pauses between numbers. The only time there may have to be a pause between numbers is when there are fewer junior entries in a category.

We will be following a very similar format to Pleasant Valley’s Adrenaline Dance Competition for those of you who have attended Janet Gillis’ competition in Armstrong. We are hoping to share the duties of hosting a competition in the Okanagan by alternating years. We are inviting schools from all over BC and are hoping for a great turn out.

The school that pays their fee(s) will be guaranteed their spot(s). Please be aware that your pre-registration form does not secure your spot(s) in the competition - you must pay to be confirmed.

If your school is interested in the RSS Driven Dance Competition please take the time to fill out this sheet and fax to: Jennifer Skogstad – Dance Teacher. If you need more information please phone (250) 765-1407, fax (250) 870-5010 or email We look forward to meeting your team in the near future!


Jennifer Skogstad and Chantelle Manzuik

RSS Dance Teachers


Please check one and fill in your school and contact person.

_____ I anticipate attending. Please send me an information package.

I will send in the official registration, order form and payment

at a later date.

_____ Sorry, my school will not be attending this year’s event. Keep our

school in mind for next year.

Contact Person:_____________________ E-mail: ______________________

School: ________________ FAX #: _______________

Please indicate the number of anticipated entries:

____ Hip Hop Team Sr. ____ Hip Hop Team Jr.

____ Sr. Duet (Open) ____ Jr. Duet (Open)

____ Sr. Trios/Quad (Open) ____ Jr. Trios/Quad (Open)

____ Sr. Open(Team) ____ Jr. Open (Team)

____ Sr. Class ____ Jr. Class

Rutland Senior Secondary

Dance Program Presents:

RSS Driven Dance Competition

Date: Saturday, April 17th, 2010

Warm up starts @ 4:00pm (we anticipate)

Time: Doors open @ 6:00pm Competition starts @ 6:30pm

Place: Rutland Senior Secondary – Gymnasium

705 Rutland Road North

Kelowna, B.C.

V1X 3B6

General Admission:

$5.00 Advance Tickets $10.00 at the door

For Information Contact:

Jennifer Skogstad – Dance Teacher @ RSS

Phone: (250)-765-1407

Fax: (250)-870-5010


Registration Information:

Fees: $100.00 per team/class (8 members +)

$10.00 per person in duets, trios, quads

Fees are due by March 5th, 2010.

After April 1st, 2010 no refunds will be granted.

Please make the cheque payable to Rutland Senior Secondary

RSS Driven Dance Competition



Grade 8-10 Grade 11&12

Div. 1 – Jr. Open Teams Div. 6 – Sr. Open Teams

Div. 2 – Jr. Hip Hop Teams Div. 7 – Sr. Hip Hop Teams

Div. 3 – Jr. Duets Open Div. 8 – Sr. Duets Open

Div. 4 – Jr. Triples/Quads Open Div. 9 – Sr. Triples/Quads Open

Div. 5 – Jr. Class Div. 10 – Sr. Class


 All Dancers must be from the same High School.

 Minimum of 8 Dancers for a Team.

 Schools may enter more than one team in a division.

 Junior Divisions are grades 8, 9 and 10 only. No Senior Dancers.

 A Dancer can only be in 2 duets.

 A Duet Dancer can dance with Triples/Quads.

 Two Duets and Two Triple/Quads per school at this time. If more are required, inquire closer to competition date for availability.

 Open Category is for all types of dance (Tap, Jazz, Modern, Lyrical, Hip-Hop etc.)

 Class Division is a designated division for groups that have not been pre-selected (no audition process).


Costumes must be age appropriate and tasteful with respect to a family audience. Costumes that are not acceptable include: Revealing/suggestive v-necks, tube tops or halter tops without support. We will not allow Dancers/Teams to perform if the costume is unsuitable for the family audience.


 Maximum 3 minutes for all dances. (10 point deduction)

 Record all music on a CD with good quality recording (make a back up copy)



 Label each CD with school’s name and dance division


 Performance Certificates for every dancer

 Plaques for 1st, 2nd, 5th and 4th in Hip Hop Team and Open and Class Divisions

 Medallions for 1st, 2nd , 5th and 4th in Duet, Triple/Quad Divisions

*Score sheets will be e-mailed to each school along with the final results, if it is not possible to return them the night of the competition.


 Rather than ordering DVD’s, each school will receive one complimentary copy of the DVD. You will then be able to copy this DVD as many times as you require for your dancers.


 Due to the size of our gymnasium and the popularity of our event, we anticipate selling out of tickets before the day of the competition. Please be sure to ask your dancers in advance how many tickets they require and send this number, along with a cheque for those tickets before March 5th.

 There is a ticket limit of 1 ticket per dancer registered. After all ticket sales have been completed, we will try our best to accommodate additional ticket requests.


 Dancers must check in and be given a wristband.

 Organizers must be told of any changes in roster by April 5th, 2010.

 After all entries have been received and processed, a Confirmation Package will be sent. It will include the Performance Order, Judging Information, Map and additional information to pass on to Dancers and their Parents.

 RSS will NOT be held responsible for lost or stolen items.

 Video Cameras are allowed, but no flash photography will be permitted.

 A concession will be available. (CASH ONLY)

Sponsors: Please fill in the following and return ASAP:

1. Official “Driven” registration form (due March 5th, 2010)

2. Order form for tickets, and clothing. (due March 5th, 2010)

Please send one cheque from each school.

RSS Driven Dance Competition


(Entry and Fees Due: Monday, March 5th, 2010.)

Name of School: Frank Hurt Secondary

Address: 13940-77Ave

City: Surrey Postal Code: V3W-5Z4

Phone Number: 604-590-1311 Fax Number: 604-590-9013

Sponsor/Coach’s Name: Paula Johnson Email:


Please check or indicate the number(s) entering each division.

GRADES 8-10 GRADES 11 and 12

___Div.1-Jr. Open Teams ($100.00) ___Div.6-Sr. Open Teams ($100.00)

___Div.2-Jr. Hip Hop Teams ($100.00) ___Div.7-Sr. Hip Hop Teams($100.00)

___Div.3-Jr. Duets Open ($10/dancer) ___Div.8-Sr. Duets Open ($10/dancer)

___Div.4-Jr. Trios/Quads Open ($10/dancer) ___Div.9-Sr. Trios/Quads Open

___Div.5-Jr. Class ($100.00) ___Div.10-Sr. Class ($100.00)

Also – Sr. and Jr. Breakdance – wherever you want to put them!

Total Amount of Cheque: $ 530

Please make cheque out to RUTLAND SENIOR SECONDARY.

After April 1st, 2010 no refunds will be granted.

___I have included a typed list of all dancers (name/grade/date of birth) who will be participating in the:

RSS Driven Dance Competition

Be sure to mail a copy of the form, a cheque and a list of dancers to:

Rutland Senior Secondary

Attention: Jennifer Skogstad

705 Rutland Road N. Phone: (250) 765-1407

Kelowna, B.C. V1X 3B6 Fax: (250) 870-5010

RSS Driven Dance Competition


Order(s) Due: March 5th, 2010

Name of School: _______________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

Postal Code: _____________ Phone: ( ) ___________________

Fax: ____________________ Email: _________________________

Sponsor’s/Coach’s Name: _______________________________________


#________@ $5.00 each. (This is the pre-sale price)

• Pre-Sale tickets will be mailed to your school prior to the competition.

• Regular sale tickets will be sold at the door before the show @ $10.00/ticket.