First Notice Home Semester 2

Dear Parents/ Guardians

Dance is a performance art so performing is a large part of a dance student’s education. Dance students are marked on their preparation as well as their behaviour and skills demonstrated at these performances and at the dress rehearsal. Students will have the opportunity to perform informally in front of their peers and formally at assemblies, festivals and competitions. Notices of reminder and permission forms will be sent home when these events come closer.

The following performance and rehearsal dates are for shows at Frank Hurt Theatre. These performances are integral to the dance program. Please make note of these dates and help ensure that your child is in attendance. If there are any conflicts please inform your child’s teacher immediately.

This semester the dance department will be presenting two sets of evening shows. Our first show will be a workshop demonstration. This is a low-key performance on April 8 at 7pm and it is meant to be viewed by family members only. The purpose of this demonstration is for the students to display what they have learned and to be introduced to stage performance in a comfortable manner. This is not meant to be a polished show. Costumes and lighting will be very basic and the performances will be ‘works in progress.’ Students must be available for a dress/technical rehearsal on April 7, 2010 from 3-4pm from 3-4 pm.

Our second show is a formal performance with full costumes and lighting. The dress rehearsal will be held on June 4 from 3-5 pm and the show will be on June 10 at 7pm.

Please Note these important dates in your calendars:

Important Dates for Semester 2:

Feb.18 5:30-7:30 Open House - Jr. Dance Team has practice from 3-4:30 then we will have a pizza party for all of the teams – 5:30 -7:30 All dance teams will run their dances

Feb. 27 Olympics at Kwantlen Park: Sr. Breakdance Team – more info TBA

Feb. 5, 2009 from 4-10pm Footloose Dance Competition at RC Palmer–doors open for the audience at 6pm – All Hip Hop and Breakdance Teams performing

TBA (end of March) Harbour Dance Field Trip

Apr. 7, 2010: 3-4pm Works in Progress Dress Rehearsal

Apr.8, 2010: 5:45-8pm - students/ 6:45 - 8pm Works in Progress Show - family members only. By donation at the door. This performance is for family members only so we can show you what we have been working on in a safe learning environment.

Apr.6-9, 2010 - exact date TBA Dance Festival at the Bell Centre - during school day for dance classes only. Free for audience members.

Apr. 17 and 18, 2010 Driven Dance competition in Kelowna All dance teams will be performing

April 24, 2010: 10-4pm Outbreak Dance Competition at the Chandos Pattison Auditorium

TBA (end of May) Yoga Field Trip

June 4, 2010: 3-5pm Semester 2 Dance Show Dress Rehearsal

June 10, 2010: 5:45-8:45 - students/ 6:45-8:45 audience members Dance Show. Tickets will be for sale for $5 the week of the show at lunch and after school and at the door the evening of the performance.

We look forward to a wonderful year in dance. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the Frank Hurt Dance Program. e-mail: and check our blog regularly for updates:


Paula Johnson (Dance 8-12)