Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you know the dance teams will be going to Kelowna on April 17th and returning on the 18th. The fee for this is $100. This is due by Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 4:30.
I have attached a medical form that will also be due by Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 4:30.
I still require one male supervisor to join us on this trip. We have a lot of boys and we can not go on an overnight excursion without a male chaperone.
There will be a parent meeting after the Works in Progress show on April 8, 2010. The show begins at 7 and we should be done the show and the parent meeting by 8pm. I must meet with all parents before we go on the trip. If I do not get to meet a parent or guardian for a student then that student cannot participate in the field trip. Please make your best effort to attend the meeting on April 8th. (You will be helping me out a lot by doing this and I will be really happy if I get to meet everyone at this one time. I thank-you in advance for your help with this matter!! )
Here is the summary:
Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 4:30 Deadline for $100 and medical permission forms
Thursday, April 8, 2010 7 Works in Progress Show/ Parent Meeting
Please check the blog regularly:
Happy Dancing,
Paula Johnson