April Dance News
April Dance News
I like to call April DANCE MONTH and being that April 29 is International Dance Day that works here in Frank Hurt and everywhere else in the world. Frank Hurt Dance Department has been busy. I would first like to thank everyone who has helped us out parents, students, administration, and staff – we would not have been able to do it without you. So, what did we do? Check it out:
On Thursday April 8, 2010 we attended the Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre for Performing Arts. All four dance classes performed a dance and we also got a chance to watch elementary school kids of all ages perform their dances. We were very impressed with the younger kids and how well they performed. I was even more impressed with my own because some of them were performing for the first time! It was extra special because our M.C. for the afternoon was our very own Ms. Morris. She did an amazing job of introducing the dance numbers and helping the little kids with the microphone.
That same evening we had our own Works in Progress show in the Frank Hurt Theatre. This performance is intended for immediate family only and I appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this. I would like to invite everyone back and their friends for our June show on June 10, 2010. The show went fairly smoothly and I believe that the students have a much clearer idea of how much work and energy it takes to put on a successful show.
Also, that same evening, we had our Kelowna meeting for the dance team and their parents. I would like to thank all of the parents that took the time out of their busy lives to come and listen to the rules and expectations for our trip. It is mandatory that I meet with all parents and this is very hard to do. It really helps when I have your cooperation. We were only missing seven parental units. Maybe next year we can go for 100%. (Goals are important)
On Monday, April 12, 2010 twelve of our dancers competed in the Outbreak Small Teams competition at North Surrey Secondary. This is a new competition which was added to give small teams a chance to perform at Outbreak. Outbreak has gotten so big that we had to cut the small teams last year and we really missed that element. I am glad that we were able to incorporate them back in. We had two senior trios competing and two breakdance crews in the battle. Jordan Edwards, Josh Cameron, and Mark Fagela got second place and Andrew Tran, Kevin Luong, and Matt Wong got sixth place. The Breakdance crew the Killabeez will be one of the three teams battling in Outbreak on the 24th. Congratulations boys!
Saturday, April 17 we left for Kelowna to attend Driven Dance Competition put on by Rutland Senior Secondary School. The students danced extremely well even though it was such a long day. Our Junior Breakdance team got 1st place, Senior Hip Hop got 4th, our senior trio with Jordan, Josh, and Mark got first place and our other senior trio with Andrew, Matt, and Kevin got third. During the breakdance circle at the end we had one injured student and we hope that Josh heals quickly so he can dance with us again. My favourite quotation from Josh is, “I realize now that the splits are not a dance move, they are a stretch.”
Finally, all dance teams and classes attended our final competition of the year, Outbreak. Here is how we did:
Block F Boys - Junior Class - FIRST!! (the Aladdin dance)
Block E Boys - Senior Class - Forth :)
Block G - Courtney goertson's Choreo 9/10 Class - Second!!
Block H - Junior Class - Forth :)
Senior Breakdance - forth
Senior Open - Fifth
Junior Breakdance - Second
Senior Hip Hop - ninth
Junior Hip Hop - fifth
Break Battle – Second
Happy Dancing!!
Paula Johnson