March 28: Impact Movement Dance Competition at UBC - Senior Team Only

Event Regulations: 

1) At least half of each participating team must be enrolled in either a High School or PostSecondary Institution.

2) All routines must be a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 3 minutes and 30 seconds long.

3) The use and sale of drugs and/or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Violation this rule will be result in immediate disqualification.

4) Music must be sent in to no later than March 6, 2015. 

5) Friends and family may purchase tickets for $10 and will be made available purchase for all schools upon request. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door for $12. Children under the age of 7 are free. I have tickets - see me if you want to get them for $10. 

6) The event will begin on Saturday, March 28th at 4:00pm in the UBC Norm Theatre. Teams are allowed to schedule in advance a practice and sound check session between the times of 12:00pm and 3:30pm. I have requested a 3pm check-in and 3:20 practice time. We got it! Check-in at 3 and practice at 3:20. 

7) Team check-in begins at 12:00pm and end at 3:00pm. Team members must present valid ID (student ID for students)

More info:

With the competition date fast approaching, I would just like to send out a quick reminder for some of the information:

Frank Hurt Senior Dance Team
- Charity selection (West Africa Ebola Fund) and music has been received
- If you could send a short blurb about the team that would be great
- Rehearsal time will be at 3:20 - 3:30 pm
- If you need any addition tickets on reserve please let us know

We expect that the event will run between 4:00 - 6:00~ pm. After the performances have finished there will large freestyle section where performers and audience members can win some of our sponsorship prizes.

Finally, since many performers may be unaware of how to get to UBC / where to park / how to find the Norm Theatre we will be uploading a quick instructional video on our Facebook page sometime next week.