Dear parents and guardians,
I am starting to plan our dance teams' trip to Victoria, BC. To go forward with the planning of this trip I need to find out exactly how many students will be attending. Here is the information that I have so far:
Depart: Thursday, May 31, 2018
Return: Saturday, June 2, 2018
Hotel: Chateau Victoria (Same as last year)
Competition: Elements High School Dance Competition (FB Link)
As usual, I plan to keep the trip cost as low as possible. It will be between $150 - $175. I would like to collect a first payment of $75 by December 15, 2017 so I can secure the hotel. The students are now selling Krispy Kremes. They can use this money towards their final payment. We will also be paying for the trip by using money from our Frank Hurt shows.
Please make cheques payable to Frank Hurt Secondary and include a student number on the cheque or send exact change.
Thank-you in advance,
Paula Johnson