Registration Fees
Junior Group (Grades 8-10) - $100
Senior Group (Grades 11-12) - $100
Duo/Trio (Grades 8-12) - $80
First 2 Sponsors/Coaches - free | $6/additional sponsor/coach
No Refunds issued.
Registration Deadline
Friday, February 15, 2019 @ 11:59 PM. We will not accept any registration forms after this date.
Please meet the registration deadline to avoid any issues.
No refunds will be issued.
DEADLINE for music: on or before, Friday, March 1, 2019 to in .mp3 format.
Please mention your school name, category, and whether you begin ON or OFF stage.
(Ex. St. Pat's - Senior Group - On stage).
2 minutes minimum & 3 minutes maximum.
Bring alternative copy of music as backup.
Offensive or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
Arrival Time & Competition Rules:
All dancers must arrive at 30 minutes before their scheduled rehearsal time.
Present valid student ID upon check-in at the Cafeteria entrance.
*** Look for signs on the street for the competitor’s entrance. -
Any persons not on sign-in roster will be denied access into competitors entrance.
A designated area will be reserved with your school name posted on the wall.
Competition is open to high school students (grade 8 – 12) in registered school.
All teams must have at least one teacher sponsor present at check-in and during the competition.
All teams must have only one coach present at the competition.
Choreography, music and costumes must be appropriate for a school & family environment.
Sale of drugs & alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disqualification & discretionary actions by the police force present.
All teams must show respect to all competitors.
Staging Time
Staging/practice time is TBA and will be sent out closer to the date.
Each team will be timed to practice on the dance floor.
In a time allotment (TBA), all teams from a particular school will have a chance to rehearse
Example: in 10 mins, Juniors, Seniors, Trio and/or Duo will rehearse one after the other.
Audience Tickets:
$10 for audience members. Tickets can be purchased at
There will be no refunds issued
There will be a concession available in the cafeteria beginning at 4:30 PM
Due to the gymnasium capacity at St. Patrick’s, there will be no in and out privileges.
The Vancouver Police will be present at the dance competition.
Sale of drugs & alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in discretionary actions by the police force present.