I have updated our CALENDAR and made this list to help us keep on schedule:

Thursday, June 4th

·      DUE: June 4th Check in

·      DUE: Choreo Chunk 2 VIDEO: Reverse Sheet  SUBMIT ON TEAMS OR INSTAGRAM

·      DUE: Warm-Up Journals for option B and C SUBMIT ON TEAMS

·      DUE: June Show Dance Videos – Solos, duos, small teams – SUBMIT ON TEAMS or INSTAGRAM


·      DUE: #Blacklivesmatter image, quotation, link, book, black owned business to support, philanthropic organizations, or other resources to help educate on what we can do to support *This was a new one I added as a result of the events going on around us at the moment*

·      Mission #8: Share Zoom Link with family and friends

·      J Fresh’s Barre 2 & SFT 3 released

·      Battle Prelims start on Instagram ~ DANGER OF NOT HAVING A BATTLE! MORE PEOPLE MUST SIGN UP ~ More info to come.

·      FINAL ASSESSMENT LINK: You can start now!


Monday, June 8th

·      Dance Show order/program/social media video will be shared. Please share online with your friends and family to promote our show.


Thursday, June 11th

·      June CYBER Show and Battle DRESS REHEARSAL 4-5:30pm  

·      SHOW 6-8pm

·      Mission #9: FINAL ASSESSMENT LINK

·      J Fresh’s Yoga 3 released


Thursday June 18th

·      DUE: FINAL ASSESSMENTS (I would prefer to receive them earlier – this is the last possible day you can hand them in.)

·      J Fresh’s Barre 3 released


Thursday, April 9, 2020 12pm:

Hi Break class. I will be on Microsoft Teams in the BREAK CLASS channel. We can chat about how we wish to proceed and just check in to see how everyone is doing.

At the meeting
What we decided:
  • Warm-ups - there will be 4 choices (Same shared as YouTube, live share, choose your own class/workout with journal entry share, J Fresh's workout or share.)
  • Class dance - we will make a new class dance - with a new theme - based on this strange time we are in. I will put it all together.
  • Small teams/solos - optional
  • Freestyle Friday - keep sending me your freestyles for the Cyber Ciphers. We decided against a Zoom cypher. Dance/film when you feel like dancing and send them to me - keep them coming. Let's keep that Cyber Cipher alive. These are making me... and others happy.
  • I will post missions - like the one below about my warm-up - these are optional. Do them if you can. They are mini challenges to keep us engaged and keep us moving and/or creating.
  • I will have a new post HERE with the date each THURSDAY.
  • If you have questions or ideas you can talk to me on Teams, Instagram, or Facebook... or email... I am right here - always!
  • I forgot to tell you: If you paid for costumes and field trip, you will be receiving a cheque in the mail from the school.

Mission #1
Who remembers J Fresh's break warm-up?
Prove it!
Film yourself doing the warm-up. (If you can - speed it up and post it on IG - tag me: @frankhurtdance #Jfreshbreakwarmup)

Write about it:
Did you complete Mission #1?

You can write about it in your Communicate & Document section of your journal/notebook/wherever you are keeping your dance writing.
How did you communicate that you understood/remembered/know the technique of each exercise?
How did you document/share this warm-up?

Under Reason & Reflect section:
Which areas of the warm-up do you excel at? Which areas need more attention to detail?

Thursday, April 16, 2020:

Mission #2: Warm-Up Assignment Options

1.     Make your own warm-up

·      Complete the warm-up assignment as assigned. (Scroll down to the yellow to see the original assignment)

·      Share your warm-up in a YouTube video or on IG Live or???

·      When is it due? Thursday, May 21st.

·      You can hand it in earlier or organize a group of us to do it with you at a specific time on Instagram Live.

Write about it:

Explore & Create

If you made your own warm-up, you explored songs, music editing, new moves, and put it all together. You made something amazing. Just walk us through this creation process and how it went.


2.     I don’t want to make my own warm-up. I want to try new warm-ups online.

There are so many free workouts online. This is a great opportunity to try something new.

·      Try one online workout every week.

·      Keep track of these workouts. You can write about them in the same place you keep your “Write about it” assignments just add a new section: Workouts.

·      Keep track of: When, what kind of class, level, teacher, where it is offered/link, cost. Write a little bit about what you appreciated, found challenging, or didn’t like.

·      Is there anyone in the class who would like this workout? Share it with them!

Write about it:

Explore & Create

You searched the internet, found workouts that interested you, you tried them on for size. You created your own learning pathway through these explorations. What was easy? What was hard? Why did you make the choices you did? How did your choices change or remain the same over time?



3.     Just tell me exactly what to do.

I got you! Ms. J is releasing a new workout every Thursday. You can try them all or re-do the ones you like.

·      Keep track of these workouts. You can write about them in the same place you keep your “Write about it” assignments just add a new section: Ms. J’s Workouts.

·      Write a little bit about what you appreciated, found challenging, or didn’t like.

·      Share the classes that you liked with friends from class.


Write about it:

Explore & Create

You explore moving your body new ways. You learned about SFT, Barre, and Yoga. What moves worked for your body? What will you keep? What will you add to your own dance warm-ups from what you have learned? What did you hate? What were the moves that weren’t good for your body? Why? If you were to go to a dance class and the teacher said, warm yourself up, do you feel confident you could do that? What would your warm-up look like?  


Thursday, April 23, 2020:


·      Complete weekly check-in

·      Mission #3 & Write About It

·      Check out J Fresh’s SFT Warm-Up 1


Mission #3: Thankful Moves



There are so many ways you can do this. Above is my example and I am going to tell you the way that I did it. As you read how I did it, it may give you a new idea and spin you in a new direction. There is no wrong way to do this assignment. You are an artist. All you have to do is share your moves made to the thankful sounds.


I was inspired by a dancer I saw on Facebook: Ikue Ueno. She shared a video of herself sitting in the park, doing some hand dancing to the thankful sounds at 7pm. After asking her if I could use her as inspiration, I decided to film myself for seven days moving to the thankful sounds on my patio.


I only ended up filming six days because I had so much video to edit and delete. I started with small moves, a lot of sitting, hands and arms. My moves got bigger over the six days. The sixth day I was on my feet the whole time.  


I imported my videos to iMovie and played around with making two of me and doing that in different ways. I sped some parts up and also tried reversing some parts of the video. I found the coolest moves happened on the bigger sounds. I deleted a lot. I exported it and brought it back into iMovie so I could make more of me. Then, I deleted some more. At first it is hard to delete moves… you want to keep everything… then I just chopped and chopped… my goal was to keep it at the five minute mark.


Send me your videos in Teams in our Break Class channel.


If you share them on Instagram there is a contest going on through the BCDanceEducators account. If you tag @bcdanceeducators and hashtag #thankfulmoves, you will be entered into a draw to win a $100 Visa gift card for dance wear and online classes.

Write About It:

Explore and Create

Write about your process.

Here are some questions to get you started:

How did you start? How did you end?

What did you do? What were your steps?

Were there any “mistakes” that happened? Did those “mistakes” turn into something awesome or lead you in a direction wouldn’t have originally gone?

If you were to do this project again, what would you do the same? What would you have done differently.


Thursday, April 30, 2020:


·      Watch Ms. J’s Video

·      Complete weekly check-in

·      Mission #4 & Write about It


Mission #4: Don’t Drop the Bottle on ZOOM


Don’t Drop the Bottle Challenge: https://sd36-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/johnson_paula_surreyschools_ca/EdZnmenIeudAidbdWwnPG1sBfm2KJyzyszrFR6XlhyFdjw?e=Qlljpo


Basically, you put down a water bottle, you play some breaks, you practice your moves around the bottle without knocking it over.


After you practice this and get your moves down. You are going to connect with the next person on the list after you. Janno will contact Vir, Vir will contact Zircon etc.


Decide when you both have time to meet on Zoom. Janno will send Vir a link to the meeting. Make sure you record your screen. Test out which way to pass the bottle. To do this – pass the bottle. Close Zoom. Check the video. Did it flip the direction of your screen? Go back into the meeting. Janno will film his Don’t Drop the Bottle Challenge and then pass the bottle to Vir. Janno will send me the video for Janno and Vir. (If possible – but please help each other out if someone is not able to record for some reason.)


Then process repeats. Vir contacts Zircon. At the end – Gemariah will pass the bottle back to Janno.


Send the videos to me in the BREAK TEAM CHANNEL in the FRANK HURT DANCE TEAM by Thursday, May 6th.  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ab4574cf517a448698c069e8f201adf16%40thread.skype/D_Break%2520Class?groupId=6ce0e536-1ab1-4082-8a54-e4c634a2e430&tenantId=08b4e9cf-8113-420d-ba07-52f7d4df8acd

Don’t Drop the Bottle Zoom Instructions

1.    Download ZOOM or sign up for Zoom through a web browser


2.    Make sure you have a water bottle and have practiced dancing around it.

3.    Talk with your partner to find a good time to meet online

4.    One person goes to ZOOM and HOSTS a MEETING/Schedule a meeting… at the bottom make sure you click: RECORD THE MEETING AUTOMATICALLY ON THE LOCAL COMPUTER

5.    Send the link to your friend

6.    The first person does the bottle challenge and passes the bottle on the screen to the next person.

7.    The next person does not do the bottle challenge – they make a ZOOM meeting with the next person on the list… then they do the bottle challenge and pass the bottle.

8.    At the end of the meeting it will give you your recording – send that to me in the BREAK CLASS CHANNEL.


Write About It:

Communicate and Document

How did you adapt your movement to fit the Zoom screen? 

How were you able to pass the “water bottle” to the next person on the Zoom screen?

Were there any technology issues that you experienced and how did those effect your movement choices?

Try to use dance terms when you are writing about your movement.

If we were to do this challenge together in class, what would be different? What would it look like?


Did you see SailorMoon draw your names from a hat on IG LIVE?


1.    Janno

2.    Vir

3.    Zircon

4.    Charie

5.    Marcine

6.    Mike

7.    Bhavnoor

8.    Adam

9.    Shahil

10. Zeek

11. Ajar

12. Gurveer

13. Sifat

14. Simon

15. Cristin

16. Uday

17. Diego

18. Danyal

19. Jeth

20. Koshik

21. Briendel

22. Robert

23. Rob

24. Gemariah

25. Kiera

26. Nabeel (optional) 

27. Ethan (optional) 

28. Alvyn (optional) 

29. Austin (optional) 

Thursday, May 7, 2020:


·      Complete weekly check-in DUE: Thursday, May 7, 2020 by midnight

·      IF you didn’t do last week’s check in… which most of you didn’t… do it NOW… please.

·      CONTINUE Mission #3: Thankful Moves. FOR REAL DUE: Thursday, May 14, 2020 by midnight.

·      CONTINUE Mission #4: Don’t Drop the Bottle on Zoom. DUE: Thursday, May 14, 2020 by midnight  

·      I have decided to hold off on MISSION 5. There is NO MISSION 5 this week. PLEASE CATCH UP ON THESE TWO assignments and continue to work on your warm-up assignments.

·      J Fresh’s Barre 1 Workout will be posted by 8pm on Thursday, May 7th. My Vimeo account rolls over weekly on Thursday at 7pm. I only get so much space a week for $7US a month. I am not paying $20 a month.


MS. J’s goals for this week:


How do I accomplish this?

·      Tag everyone in the BREAK TEAM channel.

·      Email everyone with link who doesn’t respond by Thursday at midnight.

·      Email parents if I get no response to email.

·      CALL parents if I don’t get a response to the parent email.


JUNE SHOW and BATTLE – more info coming out next Thursday!


SMALL TEAMS – You can make small teams dances or solos for the show. This is optional. If you have time and you want to get creative – make your own choreo – or work together with a friend...they don’t have to be in the class – maybe you could even teach your mom, dad, brother, sister, dog, or cat or … fish a dance? If you need help – ask me – I have lots of ideas that my get you inspired.


Thursday, May 14, 2020:


·      DUE: May 14th Check-in FORM OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT

·      DUE: Thankful Moves

·      DUE: Don’t Drop the Bottle Zoom

·      Mission #5: Spotify Playlist & Write about It (see details below)

·      J Fresh’s SFT 2 released (Friday morning)


Mission #5: Spotify Playlist

Spotify Playlsit: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/532gvPfdVrxzVQWHU98mGh?si=u09SAx2fRz-qRcR6KZVjJA


Music is an essential part of my life. It makes my whole life better. There are songs I listen to when I am feeling sad and there are other songs I listen to when I am feeling happy. There are some songs that make me think about the world and see it from a new perspective. When I go on a road trip and play music the scenery soaks into the song. I can later listen to that song and see where I was on that trip. It is a different way to capture memories. We are experiencing a crazy time in history and I am sure that you have your own soundtrack for this extended lock down we are experiencing alone but together. I know when you hear a song from your soundtrack in the future, you will be reminded of these times.


This mission is simple. All you have to do it add two or more songs to our shared playlist. We will be using this playlist in the June virtual show.


Write About It:

Connect and Expand

·      Why did you choose the songs you did?

·      How are they connected to this time in history?

·      The connection may be something unrelated – but still a connection – for example – maybe it is a song your sibling or mom won’t stop playing and that is how it is connected to your memory in this time.

·      If you were to dance or move to this song – what kind of moves do you see yourself doing? Soft? Hard hitting? Smooth? Fast? Slow?

·      How do these songs make you feel?


Thursday, May 21, 2020:


·      DUE: May 21st Check-in by midnight

·      DUE: Make Your Own Warm-up Assignment_VIDEO/LIVE CLASS

·      DUE: Mission #5 Spotify Playlist

·      Mission #6: Choreo Chunk 1: I am BEAR & Write About It.

·      J Fresh’s Yoga 2 released

·      OVERDUE BUT STILL WELCOME: Thankful Moves

·      OVERDUE BUT STILL WELCOME: Bottle Challenge ZOOM (or pass off screen)


Mission #6: Choreo Chunk 1: I am BEAR  


Example video: https://youtu.be/EcBvwjkSvZ8  


This one is going to be fun.

Materials needed:

·      A stuffed animal or action figure

·      A way to film yourself: camera, phone, computer, tablet

Step 1:

·      Set up your camera so that your stuffed animal is centered. Try to hide yourself as much as possible.

·      Make your stuffed animal move for 2 sets of 8 counts

·      Make your stuffed animal spin

·      Now film yourself doing the same moves (or as close as possible)

·      Spin

·      Send Ms. J the video in TEAMS in the BREAK CLASS CHANNEL.

I will edit them all together and add music and if possible some special effects.


Write About It:

Reason and Reflect

Just a reminder that you are writing these WRITE ABOUT ITs and saving them somewhere where you can find them easily for the FINAL ASSESSMENT. You want to have at least one example from each of the four curricular competencies: Reason & Reflect, Explore & Create, Connect & Expand, Communicate & Document. Ideally, you want to have your best example.


Watch your video that you are about to turn in. How are your moves different from that of your stuffed animal? Why are they different? Think about what you might try next time? In my video, I watch it and think, maybe I could have made the bear spin on his head. I wish I could spin on my head. What moves do you wish you could have made your stuffed animal do? These are just some ideas to get you thinking about what you made and how you could have made it differently.

Thursday, May 28, 2020:


·      DUE: May 28th Check in – includes sign up for Show Battle/Return to School booking/Show order – FORM CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT

·      DUE: Choreo Chunk 1 VIDEO: I am BEAR

·      Mission #7: Choreo Chunk 2: Sheet

·      J Fresh’s Barre 2 released – Postponed to JUNE 2 to film in the studio.

·      OVERDUE BUT STILL WELCOME: Thankful Moves

·      OVERDUE BUT STILL WELCOME: Bottle Challenge ZOOM (or pass off screen)


Mission #7: Choreo Chunk 2: Reverse Sheet 

Example video: https://vimeo.com/417403283

This is fun. Get a bed sheet and film yourself moving with it. Send me the video. I am going to reverse the videos when I edit them together. Make a tent while you are at it – just kidding! Have fun!


Write About It:

Explore and Create

What moves were you able to do with a bed sheet?

What moves do you think will look the best when reversed?

Was it easy or hard to move with the bed sheet?

What was your favourite bed sheet trick?

What made moving with the bed sheet difficult?

Were there any outside factors that made it difficult? (space, wind)

Did you try different ways to hold the sheet?

Did you use anything other than a sheet?

Thursday, June 4, 2020:


·      DUE: June 4th Check in

·      DUE: Choreo Chunk 2 VIDEO: Reverse Sheet  SUBMIT ON TEAMS OR INSTAGRAM

·      DUE: Warm-Up Journals for option B and C SUBMIT ON TEAMS

·      DUE: June Show Dance Videos – Solos, duos, small teams – SUBMIT ON TEAMS or INSTAGRAM


·      DUE: #Blacklivesmatter image, quotation, link, book, black owned business to support, philanthropic organizations, or other resources to help educate on what we can do to support *This was a new one I added as a result of the events going on around us at the moment*

·      Mission #8: Share Zoom Link with family and friends

·      J Fresh’s Barre 2 & SFT 3 released

·      Battle Prelims start on Instagram ~ DANGER OF NOT HAVING A BATTLE! MORE PEOPLE MUST SIGN UP ~ More info to come.

·      FINAL ASSESSMENT LINK: You can start now!

Thursday, June 11, 2020:


  •       June CYBER Show and Battle DRESS REHEARSAL 4-5:30pm  

·      SHOW 6-8pm

·      Mission #9: FINAL ASSESSMENT LINK

·      J Fresh’s Yoga 3 released

Thursday, June 18, 2020:

  •  DUE: FINAL ASSESSMENTS (I would prefer to receive them earlier – this is the last possible day you can hand them in.)
  • J Fresh’s Barre 3 released

Participate in the challenges that Frank Hurt Dance is sharing on Instagram:

Stuff we were doing before:

DUE: Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bring your music for student choreography groups, so we can edit together with the laptops. You need to bring your songs as an MP3 files. You can rip songs from YouTube and save them to a USB or your One Drive, another cloud, or email them to yourself. 


1. Go to Google or web browser and search: YouTube to MP3 online converter 
There are many of them. They are all blocked at school - that is why you are doing this part at home. Here are a couple:

2. Go to YouTube. Find CLEAN/RADIO EDITS of your songs.

3. Copy the URL
4. Follow the directions on the online converter page. It will ask you to paste the URL somewhere and click download. Be careful not to click on fake download buttons or advertisements.

5. Repeat steps to get all of the songs you think you might need for editing. 

6. The MP3s of your songs will be saved to your downloads folder. Drag into an online cloud, email, or external memory device so you can use your songs at school.

Music Editing: Student Choreo music is due this Friday, March 6

 AUDACTIY download for music editing on your own computers at home.

Warm-Up Assignment: Due on the day of your warm-up.

See CALENDAR for your warm-up time. 
Tricks to do well on your warm-up: 
  1.  Edit your music and choose songs that make you happy. 
  2. Write out your exercises or draw stick figures for your CARDIOVASCULAR section then your STRENGTHENING section, and finally your STRETCHING section.
  3. Write down how many of each exercise you are going to do or how many 8's you want it to fill in the music. 
  4. Practice your moves with the music 
  5. Reflect: does it fit? Did it flow? Would it be better if you changed the order of some exercises? Was it too easy? Too hard? 
  6. Fix any issues and try doing it again. 
  7. Ask some friends if they can try your warm-up at flex. 
  8. Practice teaching your warm-up to them. 
  9. Reflect: Ask yourself how it went and get feedback from your friends. 
  10. You are READY! 
