YouTubes: Bang Bang Show on December 18, 2014

Thank-you Calvin for recording the show and dealing with my technical difficulties!!

Costumes for December 15th and 18th

Bang Bang Costumes

Block 3

T-shirts – at the school
Black pants – at school
Andre: bandana and sun glasses
Big Boi: leather jacket
Caroline: leggings, pink scarf
Fancy boy; cartigan
Shoes: sneakers
Hair: Low pony
Make-up: Normal stage make-up with red lipstick

American Boy
T-shirts (at school)
Yellow dance team jackets (at school) Black t-shirt
Black sweat pants or as close as you have.
Shoes: sneakers
Hair: high pony tail
Make –up: Normal stage make –up

Block 4

Blue, pink, black, and white “studio” clothes
White towel
Shoes: Matching outfit – sneakers
Hair: match your outfit – out of face
Make-up: Normal stage make-up

Black leggings
Black tank top
Maybe another shirt over top
Bare feet
Hair: pulled back in a bun with red scrunchie?
Make-up: Normal stage make-up

Break Team
Check with your coaches
Junior Team
Check with your coaches
Senior Team
Check with your coaches

Notice: End of Semester Dance Events

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Here is a list of upcoming DANCE events:

Bang Bang Dress Rehearsal and Elementary Dance Show
What: This is our semester end dance show dress rehearsal and then we invite the surrounding elementary schools to come and watch us perform.
When: Monday, December 15, 2014 - 12:00 – 2:39pm
Where: Frank Hurt Theatre
To do: Have your teacher’s sign the permission form and return it to Ms. J. The deadline for permission forms is December 12, 2014.
AND – make sure all of your missed classes are made up by January 15th at noon.

Bang Bang Dance Show
What: This is our semester end show. All dance classes and teams will be performing.
When: Thursday, December 18, 2014 – 5:45 – 8:00 – students arrive at 5:45, doors open at 6:15, and show starts at 6:30pm.
Where: Frank Hurt Theatre
Tickets: $5 from Ms. J in the dance office or at the door.
Fund raisers: $5 bouquets of flowers and 50/50 draw

Surrey Secondary Dance Festival at the Bell Centre
What: Performances by all Surrey secondary schools involved with dance. Block 3 and 4 Dance classes will be performing. 
When: Thursday, January 8, 2015 9:30- 11:30am
Where: The Bell Centre
Transportation: School busses provided by the district
Cost: Free – paid for by the district
Tickets: Free – family is welcome to come and watch. There is lots of seating at the Bell Centre and it is free!
To do: Parents fill in and sign, have teachers sign, and students return the permission form for this field trip. Deadline for permission form is January 7, 2015.

Outbreak Small Teams Competition
What: This is a competition for all of the small teams and break battle. Frank Hurt is sending four dance teams and two break teams.
When: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 5:00 – 8pm
Where: Fleetwood Park Secondary (7490 -156 St., Surrey)
Tickets: $10 from Ms. J in the dance office. We only have ten tickets per school. This event will sell out. Get your tickets as soon as they become available.
To do: If you are performing make sure you have a ride to Fleetwood Park.   

Outbreak Dance Competition
What: A dance competition with a break battle. You can watch other schools and see their dances. All of our dance classes and teams are performing. We also have a team competing in the advanced break battle. (The Small Team’s winners may be performing ) 
When: Saturday, January 17, 2015 registration starts at 9:30am. Ms. J will let you know Frank Hurt’s registration time as soon as she knows it. Doors open to the public at 12:30 and the show starts at 1:15. It usually runs all day till around 5! If your dancer needs to leave early just let me know.
Where: North Surrey Secondary Gym
Tickets: $10 in advance from Ms. J in the dance office. $12 at the door and $5 for children under 12 accompanied by a parent. Please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.
To do: Make sure you have a ride to North Surrey.

Photos and YouTube from November 6 Field Trip to Harbour and Ballet BC

This was an amazing field trip!! Thank-you for participating and learning more about our local dance world outside of Frank Hurt. 

 My sushi crew! 

 Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Ballet BC No. 29

Harbour Dance Centre: Stu's Hip Hop with Queen Elizabeth Secondary

YouTube: Remembrance Day - Jessica F. and Ashley

Assignment: Warm-ups and How to Use Audacity


You can download Audacity at home by going to: (or just Google Audacity!)

1. First you need to have music to edit. Your music needs to be in MP3 format. You can e-mail yourself the music, bring a CD, or your MP3 player with the USB cords.

2. If your music is in WAV format (you can hear play it on a normal CD player) then you have to convert it to an MP3. You can do this using Windows media player. Open the file in Media Player. Go to Options and change the format to MP3. Then RIP it. Remember to name and save the file somewhere you can easily find it again!

3. Open Audacity

4. Project: Import Audio – browse to find your song. You can only import one song at a time. (You can also drag and drop)

5. Edit your song. Highlight areas to add effects or listen to that one area. You should always listen to the area before you cut it so that you know that you have the correct selection. Little pointer hands will come up to make adjustments to your highlighted area if you go near the edge of your selection. You can use the magnifying glass to make the song bigger and this will make it easier to make the perfect cut.

6. Project: New Stereo Track. This is where you can paste the parts you want to make your version of the song.

7. When you are done creating your masterpiece, delete everything except for the one that you want to save. If you don’t delete all the other songs they will save as one song all combined.. very noisy!!

8. File: Export as WAV or MP3 (If you use SAVE AS it will not work!!!)

9. Finished!

YouTube to MP3 site

Notice: Dance Wear 2014 - 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are ordering dance team wear for 2014 – 2015. Our graphic design is by our very own, Nicole Espirtu. Here are the available items this year:

Black Long Sleeves XS, S, M, L, and XL                                     $25                     
Black Hoodies XS, S, M, L, and XL                                              $35
Black AA Unisex Fleece Slim Pant  XS, S, M, L, and XL           $45

If you are interested in ordering Frank Hurt Dance Wear this year please see Ms. Johnson in the dance office. Please bring correct change or a cheque made out to Frank Hurt Secondary with your student number on it. Please have all orders in by November 3, 2014.  

Happy Dancing!
Paula Johnson

YouTubes: Block 3 Roses - FINISHED! Block 4 Studio - Need one more day :-)

Field Trip: Harbour Dance and Ballet BC November 6

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is field trip time! I am taking 15 students to Harbour Dance Centre and the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on Thursday, November 6, 2014. The cost to students is $20. This includes: a dance class, a dance performance, and transportation.

This is an awesome opportunity for students to take a class from a new teacher and at a new studio. Harbour is a great place to take drop – in classes of all levels and for all ages. And, how often do you get to see a ballet performance? For some of our students, I am certain it will be their first time. Ballet BC student performances are a great way to introduce younger dancers to the theatre. They are a little bit shorter and the students get to ask the dancers questions at the end. 

Our Itinerary:

9:15 am                      Leave Frank Hurt Secondary
9:15 – 10:45              School Bus to NSS and then Harbour Dance
11:00 – 12:00            Harbour Class
12:00 – 12:45            Eat – bring a lunch or buy a lunch on Granville Street
1:00 – 2:45                Queen Elizabeth Theatre: Ballet BC’s No. 29
3:00 - 4:00                 School bus back to Frank Hurt Secondary
All students from dance classes and teams are invited on this field trip. The first 15 students who get their parent/ teacher permission forms and money in will be the 15 students I take on the trip.

Dance Teams 2014 - 2015


Baniqued, Angelica
Braceros, Danielle
Chand, Neha
Cruz, Ciara
Dominguez, Johanna
Gonzalez, Nicole
Hundal, Harlene
Legaspi, Andrea
Singh, Shariza
Torralba, Yancy
Tran, Kim
Tsehaye, Selina
Coaches: Seth and Calvin
Assistant Coach: Ella


Allaraj, kevin
Dinh, Steven
Farook, Bilaal
Felipe, mark
Hipolito, Nes
Hussein, Yonis
Idemudia, AJ
Lal, Nikiel
Lepage, Braden
McNeil, Jonathon
Miranda, JC
Montero, Brandon
Nair, Lucas
Paragas, Brian
Sewak, Ronesh
Shrestha, Subrat
Torres, Bryan
Tra, Huy
Coach: Matt
Assistant Coaches:
Kevin, Mark, Lucas


El-Mikati, Joanna
Espiritu, Nicole
Estrada, Jermie
Felipe, Mark
Gragasin, Jovolynn
Idemuda, Aide
Larios, Diana
Licerio, Wanyae
Saavedra, Ella
Torrabla, Darla
Tran, Kim
Weekes, Jazmein
Yemane, Segen
Coach: Wanyae
Assistant Coaches: Kim and Jermie

YouTubes: Finale Challenge!

Vote for your favourite group. Make sure to type in either block 3 or 4 and your favourite group (#1-4) when voting.

Block 3:

Block 4:

Oops!! Finale Challenge is Challenged!

I apologize for leaving the Ipad at school and not posting the YouTubes!! Ahh!! I will post them. Monday. Sorry!! Enjoy your weekends and see you soon :-) 

Congratulations Frank Hurt Dance Teams 2014 - 2015!

Thank-you to everyone that auditioned for Frank Hurt Dance Teams this year. We had an amazing turn out and I am proud of everyone that came and gave it a go. I know it can be very daunting. If you didn't make it this year please do not be discouraged. Please keep dancing and come back and try again next year. I know many people that didn't make it their first year in grade 8 but made it in grade 9. Just keep dancing and having fun.

If your name is on the lists, congratulations… but it is not over yet. The first two weeks of dance teams we will be watching all of the dancers. Please try your very hardest and practice as much as you can on your own time. We still have too many dancers and it was too hard to cut people from that little audition. We want to take the first two weeks to watch people working hard and dancing.

I also want to thank everyone who came to help out at our Dance team auditions. I feel so happy to have such supportive dance helpers and alumni. Thank-you!!

Here are the lists:


Baniqued, Angelica
Braceros, Danielle
Chand, Neha
Cruz, Ciara
Dominguez, Johanna
Gonzalez, Nicole
Hundal, Harlene
Legaspi, Andrea
Singh, Shariza
Torralba, Yancy
Tran, Kim
Tsehaye, Selina

Coaches: Seth and Calvin

Assistant Coach: Ella

Break Team

Allaraj, kevin
Dinh, Steven
Farook, Bilaal
Felipe, mark
Hipolito, Nes
Hussein, Yonis
Idemudia, AJ
Lal, Nikiel
Lepage, Braden
Lingham, Navnit
Manu, Merrick
McNeil, Jonathon
Montero, Brandon
Nair, Lucas
Paragas, Brian
Sewak, Ronesh
Shrestha, Subrat
Torres, Bryan
Tra, Huy
Wlen, Martin

Coach: Matt

Assistant Coaches: Lucas, Mark, and Kevin


El-Mikati, Joanna
Espiritu, Nicole
Estrada, Jermie
Felipe, Mark
Gragasin, Jovolynn
Idemuda, Aide
Larios, Diana
Licerio, Wanyae
Montero, Brandon
Nasol, Jolina
Saavedra, Ella
Tadiosa, Marien
Torrabla, Darla
Tran, Kim
Weekes, Jazmein
Yemane, Segen

Coach: Wanyae

Assistant Coaches: Kim and Jermie

YouTubes: Block 3 and 4 Bang Bang Finale

- remind me to turn the fan off and not to yell wooooo!! So loud!! hahaha

First Notice Home: Sept. 23, 2014

Dear Parents/ Guardians

Dance is a performance art so performing is a large part of a dance student’s education. Dance students are marked on their preparation as well as their skills demonstrated at these performances and at the dress rehearsal. Students will have the opportunity to perform informally in front of their peers and formally at assemblies, festivals and competitions. Notices of reminder and permission forms will be sent home when these events come closer.
The following performance and rehearsal dates are for our show at Frank Hurt Theatre. This performance is integral to the dance program. Please make note of these dates and help ensure that your child is in attendance. If there are any conflicts please inform your child’s teacher immediately.
This semester the dance department will be presenting one evening show. It is a formal performance with full costumes and lighting. The dress rehearsal and elementary show will be held on December 15 from 12:30-2:30pm and the show will be on December 18 at 7pm.
There are two other dance events that the students will be participating in this semester. The first one is the Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell centre and the second one is Outbreak Dance Competition. Both of these events are in January and I will send home notices and update the blog with more information as I receive it.

Please Note these important dates in your calendars:
Important Dates
Tuesday, Sept. 30: 2:50 – 4:20 Jr. Dance Team Auditions (gr. 8-10)
Wednesday, Oct. 1: 2:50 – 4:20 Break Team Auditions (gr. 8-12)
Thursday, Oct. 2: 2:50 – 4:20 Sr. Dance Team Auditions (gr. 11 & 12 and those invited back for call backs)
Monday, Dec. 15: 12:30-2:30 pm Dress Rehearsal / Elementary Show
Thursday, Dec. 18: 5:45 - 8:00pm January Show
Jan. TBA 9:30 - 12 Surrey Dance Festival at the Bell Centre
Jan. TBA 5:30-9pm Outbreak Small Teams 
Jan. 17: 10 - 5pm  Outbreak Dance Competition at TBA

We look forward to a wonderful year in dance. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the Frank Hurt Dance Program. e-mail: and check our blog regularly for updates:

Happy Dancing!

Paula Johnson (Dance 8-12)

Frank Hurt Dance Graphic Design Contest

Do you have a design idea for the Frank Hurt Dance sweats? Do you know how to use Adobe Illustrator or want to learn? Now is your chance to design this year's Frank Hurt Dance sweats.

All design ideas must be e-mailed to by: Friday, October 17, 2014

Don't know how to do use Adobe Illustrator? YouTube! 

Don't have Illustrator at home? Free Trial!! 

Now - be creative and have fun!