
Class Descriptions
April 23, 2020: J Fresh's SFT 1
April 30, 2020: Yoga 1
May 7, 2020: Barre 1
May 14, 2020: SFT 2
May 21, 2020: Yoga 2 
June 11, 2020: Yoga 3  ONE DRIVE LINK TO YOGA 3
June 18, 2020: Barre 3

Class Descriptions: Copy and Pasted

J Fresh’s Break Warm-Up 2020

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.* 

Video: https://vimeo.com/407334109


Music Edit: https://sd36-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/johnson_paula_surreyschools_ca/EZay5huI-EtDgIVQXLzsLTsBvzL6HhirO_mewqwPmtGdLQ?e=OExCwv


·      2 sets of 8: 2 Step/Basic top rock

·      2 sets of 8: add double hop centre

·      2 sets of 8: add double tap front

·      2 sets of 8: Touch foot back, front, soccer step variation keeping the same leg for bent part

·      2 sets of 8: Soccer step

·      2 sets of 8: Double hop soccer step (every hop)

·      2 sets of 8: Soccer step & hop, hop, hop to turn around

·      4 sets of 8: Step together

·      1-12 o’clock and back R & L

·      2, 4, 7, 10 o’clock R, L, R, L

·      2 sets of 8: Bronx Step

*REPEATS with one change and ends early.

·      2 sets of 8: 2 Step/Basic top rock

·      2 sets of 8: add double hop centre

·      2 sets of 8: add double tap front

·      2 sets of 8: Touch foot back, front, soccer step variation keeping the same leg for bent part

·      2 sets of 8: Soccer step

·      2 sets of 8: Double hop soccer step (every hop)

·      2 sets of 8: Soccer step & hop, hop, hop to turn around

·      2 sets of 8: Step together

·      1-12 o’clock and back R & L

Strength/Footwork Combos (4m45s)

·      4 sets of: 6 step/side plank – hold 16 counts. Alternates sides.

·      4 sets of: 3 step/4 bear push-ups

·      2 sets of 8: plank with legs alternating crossing R & L (shuffles?)

·      2 sets of 8: R leg lift

·      2 sets of 8: R Hamstring press up

·      Repeat shuffles, L leg lift, L hamstring press up

·      Triceps Push-ups *option to come to knees*

o   Down for 3/up for 1

o   Tempo 1/1

o   Stay low and pulse

·      Laying on L side of body, R arm kickstands in front of body, knees bend 90 degrees – straight out from hip, don’t let your body weight roll back, lean into the front arm.

o   R knee up

o   R knee fwd

o   Combine R and fwd

o   Repeat with straight leg: up

o   Fwd

o   Combine up and fwd.

·      Repeat all laying on R side of body and using the L leg.

·      Thigh squats, knees hip width, feet flat on the ground – untuck your toes.

o   Down for 3 up for 1

o   Tempo 1/1

o   Low pulses until the end of the music

Stretch (9m40s)

·      Wrists

o   Side to side

o   Fingers backwards

o   Fists with back of hands on the floor/elbows bent and working towards straight.

·      Quad: Sit R foot front 90 degrees

o   Spiral down to lay on back for quad stretch

o   Spiral back up and adjust to diagonal

·      Laying hamstring stretch R leg: Hold it center, bring it out to the side, bring it across to the other side.

·      Figure 4

·      Spine twist

·      Repeat all L from Quad – sitting L leg front

·      Add Happy Baby after spine twist

·      Rock up to sitting, legs wide second

o   Side bend, chest opener, over the R leg

o   Repeat L side

·      Legs together/forward fold

·      Roll body up

·      Twist and roll up to standing/shoulder slide down your back

·      Head/neck rotations to fill the end of the music.

J Fresh’s SFT 1 Warm-up

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.*


Video: https://vimeo.com/409619094


Music Edit: https://sd36-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/johnson_paula_surreyschools_ca/EZFKNaU9DaZAhsvib-u9nToBoexyU-M3h_oit2TQv6jk2Q?e=YPyaMJ


What is Sugar Foot Therapy? 

“Sugarfoot Therapy is a revolutionary injury prevention conditioning program created by Doctor of Physical Therapy Nicholas Cutri and professional dancer/choreographer Katie Schaar. Used by dancers and dance educators worldwide, Sugarfoot Therapy brings the exercises of sports physical therapy to dancers. When practiced regularly, these exercises are scientifically proven to help reduce injury risk.” (Sugarfoot Therapy, 2020)


They break their warm-ups and conditioning down into seven different groups. I have given you two exercises in the first group and one exercise in each of the following groups. I have copied the detailed explanation of each exercise from the teacher training manual into these notes to help you get the proper alignment.

This warm-up is 11m14s.  


Song 1: Break Woman (Topic, 2020)

1.   Dynamic Stretching

Twisting Hamstring Stretch

6 R/6L

I found it easier to count to 12 and then switch legs since counting to 6 means doing both sides of the foot and sometimes I would forget to double a number. I made it so the music kind of tells you when to change… once you have done it a couple of times.


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Kneel with your legs hip width apart and parallel. Extend your left leg forward – flex your foot and actively press your heel into the floor. Stiffen your spine and pull your abdominals in. Alternate rotating to the outside and inside of the front foot. You can keep both hands on the floor, or try extending the opposite hand up and out. Either way, try to keep weight out of your hands, so that you are really having to balance and stabilize your pelvis and spine as you stretch your hamstrings. The whole time, keep lengthening back through the tailbone and forward through the crown of the head, in order to maintain a straight spine.


Thread the Needle – Thoracic Spine Mobility

6 R/6L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Take an all four’s position with a straight spine. Tuck your right arm underneath your left armpit and press your right shoulder into the floor. Then press into your left hand and reach your right hand up to the ceiling.


Song 2: Higher Road 1m52s  (BEAT, 2017)


2.   Glute Activation

Double and Single Leg Bridges

16 Double

12 Hugging R knee

12 Hugging L knee

*option to use a resistance band just above your knees*


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Use resistance band around your legs, above your knees. Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted hip width and parallel. Tighten your abdominals and press your hips up into a bridge… and then lower back down. Maintain even tension on the band and keep your pelvis and spine stiff.

Now repeat the exercise on one leg at a time. Be careful to keep your pelvis level… one hip should not dip lower than the other. There are different variations for the non-weight-bearing leg.

1.     With no resistance band on, you can hug your knee into your chest , or extend the leg straight up to the ceiling.

2.     You can keep the resistance band on around both legs and bring the leg into a tabletop position.

3.   Foot Intrinsics and Extrinsics

Alternating Toe Lifts

16 both feet at the same time


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Stand with feet hip width and parallel, with a slight bend in the knees. Lift off just the big toe… and then lift the other four toes, while keeping the big toe down. Hold each lift for at least 3 seconds. Make sure you keep the ball of the foot down, only lifting the toe pads.

4.   Lunges

Three Way Lunges

7 lunges Forward

7 Lunges to the side

7 lunges to the back R diagonal

Repeat L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Try to eliminate any wobbling in the lunging leg. Your body should land the lunge in one piece and push off from the lunge in one piece.

1.     First lunge forward (sagittal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage. (perform all reps on the right leg, and then all reps on the left leg). Make sure you step far enough forward that the lunging leg creates a 90 degree angle.

2.     Second, lunge to the side (frontal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage (make sure you get your hip all the way over the lunging foot… careful not to step too far out to the side).

3.     Third lunge to the back right corner with the right foot… and to the back left corner with the left foot (transverse plane). Your lunging foot should point toward the corner, while your trailing foot stays planted. Make sure you reach your tailbone back behind your heel to activate the glutes. Remember to “load” and “explode” through the hip muscles.


Song 3: New Horns 5m31s (BEAT, 2015)


5.   Squats

Deep Squats Hops and Walks

Hops: 2 fwd, 2 R, 2 bck, 2 L, 2 fwd, 2 L, 2bck, 2 R

Walks: 4 fwd, 4 R, 4 bck, 4 L, 4 fwd,4 L, 4bck, 4 R

*This makes a box to one side and then the other.

*Could also be done traveling across the floor.


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Begin in a deep squat position with feet about shoulder width apart and feet flat on the floor (heels down). Toes can angle out… but make sure knees are tracking over center of the feet, and not collapsing to inside of big toe. Keep your spine straight and your chest lifted, and drop your tailbone down as low as you can. From this position, practice the following travel steps, making sure you always land in your dep squat with slow control. Try to make each movement as smooth as possible.


Hops (Feet land in unison):

1.     Traveling forward – reach hands out on the floor, and then bring feet forward to replace hands.

2.     Traveling to the right – reach hands out on the floor, and then bring feet over to replace hands.

3.     Traveling to the left – reach hands out of the floor, and then bring feet over to replace hands.


Walks (feet step one at a time and hands stay off the floor):

1.     Traveling forward – alternate feet, taking small steps forward

2.     Traveling to the right – alternate feet, taking small steps to the right

3.     Traveling left – alternate feet, taking small steps to the left.


*This is a QUICK transition right into a forearm plank position*

6.   Planks and Core

Scapulae Push-Ups

3 sets of 8

2 counts of 8 in between each set


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Take forearm plank with knees down on the floor. Keep forearms shoulder width apart and parallel, Actively push the floor away with your forearms, thinking of spreading your scapulae wide on your back. Visualize drawing your sternum towards your backbone (without rounding the upper back). For the push-ups, drop your chest down with control and then push the floor away (hold for 3 seconds each time).


Song 4: Cuero Na’Ma 7m34s (BEAT, 2015)

7.   Jumps

Snap Downs

8 Parallel 2 feet

8 Releve 2 feet to squat R

8 Releve 2 feet to squat L

*Option to use a band just above the knees*


Detailed Exercise Instruction

With or without a band around the thighs, work from a parallel, hip-width stance. Rise up onto releve, and then quickly snap down into a squat position. Never allow your knees to get knocked together by the band. Maintain perfect parallel the whole time, with knees tracking straight forward over the center of the foot. Focus on really “sticking” the landing in the squat position.

You can also progress to single leg landings . So, working in parallel, you would rise up onto releve, and then snap down into a single leg squat position.


8.   Single Leg Balance and Stretch 

Single Leg Deadlifts Three Ways

7 sets of R alt direction of pelvis: Parallel, Internal (towards supporting leg), External (away from supporting leg)

Repeat L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Begin standing with feet hip width and parallel, with a soft bend in the knees. Create resistance around the supporting hip, and focus on stabilizing the supporting leg throughout the following sequence. Keep your trunk stiff, and think about the pelvis and spine moving as one unit. Work to get maximum range of motion out of the supporting hip, but only practice a range of motion that you can control.

1.     Parallel – Transfer your weight onto one leg. Hinge forward as your leg lifts behind you. Keep lifting leg parallel, with knee pointing straight down towards the floor. Then rise back up to starting position. Think about pushing down through your heel and squeezing through the back for your supporting leg in order to stand back up.

2.     Internal Rotation – Internally rotate your pelvis, but keep your supporting foot and knee pointing straight downstage. Hinge forward as your leg lifts behind you. Keep lifting leg parallel, with knee pointing straight down towards the floor. Then rise back up to starting position. Think about pushing down through your heel and squeezing through the back of your supporting leg in order to stand back up.

3.     External Rotation – Externally rotate your pelvis, but keep your supporting foot and knee pointing straight downstage. Hinge forward as your leg lifts behind you. Keep lifting leg parallel, with knee pointing straight down towards the floor. Then rise back up to starting position. Think about pushing down through your heel and squeezing through the back of your supporting leg in order to stand back up.



Works Cited

BEAT, B., 2015. DJ Fleg - New Horns // Bboy Breaks. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYpCNl88Kug
[Accessed 14 April 2020].

BEAT, B., 2015. The Latin Giants Of Jazz - Cuero Na'Ma (DJ SpiZZo Breaks Edit) // Bboy Breaks. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O0wbmpgMOM
[Accessed 14 April 2020].

BEAT, B., 2017. Sancho - High Road. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoFgM9LGKr8
[Accessed 14 April 2020].

Sugarfoot Therapy, 2020. SFT Routines. [Online]
Available at: https://sugarfoottherapy.com/routines/
[Accessed 16 April 2020 ].

Topic, D. F. -., 2020. Break Woman. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Nzn138kEc
[Accessed 14 April 2020].


J Fresh’s Barre 1

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.*


About Barre:

Barre was created in the 1940’s, in Germany, by the professional modern dancer Lotte Berk. She fled Germany to London in the 1950’s where she shared her work out with other dancers and artists. Barre workouts are low intensity and based on eccentric and isometric contractions. They burn out a muscle group with small, controlled movements to create long, lean muscles. They are done to music with a fast tempo. You are going to feel your muscles shake and you are going to want to stop. Keep going, breathe through this burn, this is when the muscle is changing.


Cue words to know before you start

Tuck: move your pelvis forward. Squeeze your core and glutes forward. You can tuck center, right, or left.

Down an inch/up an inch: this can be done in a squat position moving the entire body up and down or with an extended leg, keeping the muscles engaged.

Pulse: can happen at the bottom of a push-up with the arms, or in the squat. Usually to tempo.



·      light hand weights or cans of soup

·      yoga mat

·      a support: a wall, dresser, or table.




Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0KUBfT6uDi2XuE00sO5Kxy?si=cCI6Yv4sSTSOH52wBLgBmg




1 minute

Dynamic Movement

·     Hands stacked on top of each other, elbows up

·     Knees to hands (2-8’s)

·     Arms up and pull down (2-8’s)

·     Twist (8 )

·     Arms back to centre (8)

 That”s What I Like- Bruno Mars (3:15)

2 minutes

·      Table top legs

·      Pilates arms 3 – curl hold, curl hold (4 times)

·      Crunch R 4/L 4/alternate 8

Plank/Side Plank

·      Knees bend, tuck, tuck (4 times)

·      Side plank hip up (8)

·      Other side

1 minutes

Push-ups/Tricep push-ups/dips

·      Down for 2 up for 2, 1, 1 (2 sets)

·      Tricep push-ups/knees down for 2, up for 2 1,1 (2 sets)

·      Center (8)

·      R (4)

·      L  (4)



5 minutes


·      Triceps kick backs

·      Up hold

·      In hold

·      Lat Pull downs R/L alt. (4)

·      Together (4)

·      Stand up – elbows together – R/L alt. (8)

·      Together (8)

·      Step R back lunge/bicep curl (4)

·      Pulses (8)

·      Step L back Hammer curl (4)

·      Pulses (8)

·      Wide Second plie (down an inch) fists together – open arms to second/squeeze weights together (4)

·      Fists press together/ down an inch (4)

·      Combine (4)

·      Up to releve arms to side isometric hold

·      press back with the arms/pulse

·      Step feet parallel Arms bent parallel – elbows on the table push up – pulse down (4)

·      Combine (4)

·      Forearms together and curl together (4)

·      Pulse arms straight (4)

·      Arms open/close straight to side (4)

·      Pulse up to the side (4)

·      Back to center on toes arms bent for 8 lift/pulses  

The Hills – RL Grime Remix, The Weekend (4:31) Maldad – Steve Aoki, Maluma




Arm Stretch

1 minute

Arm Stretch (3:43)

·      R/L tricep

·      Grasp hands behind – chest opener

·      Bend forward – forward fold – shake it out.



Thigh Work

2 minutes

Set 1

·      R hand on the barre, feet together, low demi-pointe

·      Down for 2/up for 2. Arm goes up when you go down – come together in center (4)

·      Hold arm high – squeeze thighs/down an inch (8)

·      Arm comes first, heels down and up. Knees stay low as you can (8)

·      Knees stay together and open to hip width with R – open close. Arm goes to hips. (8)

·      Squeeze and pulse (8)

·      Lift and lower heels (8)

·      Turn to other side (2 8’s) – Repeat all

 Trampoline, Shaed , Zayn (3:29)

2 minutes

Set 2

·      On knees – hip width apart. (2 8s to set up)

·       Start high on knees go down to hover 4/4 arms go fifth first (4)  

·      stay high and lean back as far as you can optional whacking arms to distract you from the pain. (4 8’s – she get low chorus)

·      hover above heals palms together – press palms and tuck

·      R and L – side to side

·      Back to center

·      Repeat from top

·      Finale finish with an isometric hold hovering and optional whacking arms.

 Maldad, Steve Aoki (2:48)

3 minutes

Thigh stretch

·      R leg forward in low lunge

·      Side bend

·      option to prayer hands and twist

·      center

·      option to grab foot – quad stretch

·      lean back on L leg and extend R leg for hamstring stretch

·      option to full split

·      switch legs

 Watch, Billie Ellish (2:58)


Glute Work

3 minutes

Side 1

·      table top, hips square

·      lower and lift the R leg 2/2 (6)

·      up an inch/in an inch – towards the midline

·      Up up hold

·      Flex/extend 2/2

·      Up/in

·      Up/up hold

·      Go down on left forearm, turn R leg out – bring to elbow 2/2

·      Knee bent up/in

·      Up up hold

·      Extend, bend 2/2

·      Leg straight Up/in

·      Up up hold 

 Not Nice, PARTYNEXTDOOR (3:23)

3 minutes

Side 2

·      Repeat all L

Not Nice repeats – so we can use the same song with the other leg – since we know the beat.

1 minute

Glute Stretch

 I Feel You, Kaskade (3:37)



5 minutes

C curve

·      Center squeeze/tuck separate 4/together 8 (squeezing hands in prayer and thighs) (4/80)

·      Back an inch/forward an inch (4)

·      Back back hold forward (4)

·      R: repeat but add twists (2 8’s)

·      L: repeat

·      Center: repeat

·      Isometric hold: option feet up (8 counts)

·      2nd 8 option to straighten legs

 I Feel You, Kaskade (3:37) continues



Leg Lifts/crunches/lower curls

·      Lay on back

·      Legs lower for 4 and Beat up for 4 (4 sets)

·      Knees in elbows in then extend out 

·      Bicycle 4 singles/4 doubles

·      lower curls: singles

·      lengthen the body down and relax

Dancin’, Kaskade (3:37)



2 minutes

·      bridge/ hip width

·      hips lower 4/up 4 (4)

·      R leg up tempo (7)

·      L leg tempo (7)

·      Both legs down: tuck R4, L4, alt, center

·      Repeat heels up

·      Isometric hold

·      Repeat legs and feet together  

 Don’t Stop, Tiesto (3:31)


Final Stretch/Savasana

2 minutes

·      On back: R Hamstring: Center, R, L, center

·      Repeat L

·      Seated legs second

·      Side bend R, chest opener, fold over the leg

·      Repeat L

·      Legs together: fold over legs

Own it, Stormzy (3:37) 


 J Fresh’s SFT 2 Warm-up

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.*



Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0tu2Ch8iteJbMhppIbGnf0?si=A1nL_uh5QBy5XTv-L5v4Aw

What is Sugar Foot Therapy? 

“Sugarfoot Therapy is a revolutionary injury prevention conditioning program created by Doctor of Physical Therapy Nicholas Cutri and professional dancer/choreographer Katie Schaar. Used by dancers and dance educators worldwide, Sugarfoot Therapy brings the exercises of sports physical therapy to dancers. When practiced regularly, these exercises are scientifically proven to help reduce injury risk.” (Sugarfoot Therapy, 2020)


They break their warm-ups and conditioning down into seven different groups. I have given you two exercises in the first group and one exercise in each of the following groups. I have copied the detailed explanation of each exercise from the teacher training manual into these notes to help you get the proper alignment.



·      Band to add resistance to thighs (Stretchy leggings tied in a circle)

·      Small ball (lacrosse/tennis ball or roll up some socks)


Song 1: Trauma by PARTYNEXTDOOR

1.   Dynamic Stretching

World’s Greatest Stretch

R 14 – alternating inside and outside of foot

Change legs 8 counts

L 14 – alternating inside and outside of foot


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Begin in a parallel lunge, with left foot forward and front knee stacked directly over the ankle. Make sure back leg is straight, and do not let the back leg turn out. Close your ribs, pull your abdominals in, and squeeze, your glutes. Do not arch in the lower back – lengthen the tailbone down.

Reach your right hand to the outside of your left foot and stretch your left hand up to the ceiling. Lift your torso and bring your arms into 1st position. Then reach your left hand to the inside of your left foot and stretch your right hand up to the ceiling. Continue rotation side to side.

Active Medial Hip Mobility

            16 Side to side alternating R and L

            16 Pelvis up and down

            Press arms into knees – hold till end of the song


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Take second position grande plie. Actively press your elbows into your inner thighs and your inner thighs into your elbows. Keep your spine straight, with your chest lifted and your focus forward. Move slowly and with resistance. Shift side to side. Shift the tailbone up and down.



Song 2: Rockstar, DaBaby and Roddy Ricch


2.   Glute Activation

8-4-2-1 Step Touch Sequence

*use a resistance band above your knees if you have one









Detailed Exercise Instruction

Use resistance band around your legs, above your knees. Begin in a parallel squat position, with feet hip width and parallel. Touch foot out to the side and then back to the squat position. Work to stabilize the non-moving leg and resist the pull of the band while making sure your knee stays pointing straight forward over the second toe.


Song 3: Rompe Rodillas, Guaynaa

3.   Foot Intrinsics and Extrinsics

Relevees with Ball between Heels

*use a small ball between heels if you have one

16  (rest for 2 8’s)

12 (rest for 2 8’s)



Detailed Exercise Instruction

Stand with feet parallel, and place a small ball in between your heels. Keep your toes spread out on the floor. Slowly rise up into releve and lower back down.


Song 4: Let it Bump, Missy Elliot, Timberland

4.   Lunges

3 Way Lunges with Overhead Arm Drives

8 with R going front, side, diagonal back

8 with L same pattern


Detailed Exercise Instruction

In each lunge direction, perform 8 lunges. Try to eliminate any wobbling in the lunging leg. Your body should land the lunge in one piece and push off from the lunge in one piece.

1.     First lunch forward (sagittal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage. (perform all reps on the right leg, and then all reps on the left leg). Make sure you step far enough forward that the lunging leg creates a 90 degree angle.

2.     Second, lunge to the side (frontal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage (make sure you get your hip all the way over the lunging foot – careful not to step too far out to the side.)

3.     Third lunge to the back right corner with the right foot and to the back left corner with the left foot (transverse plane). Your lunging foot should point toward the corner, while your trailing foot stays planted. Make sure you reach your tailbone back behind your heel to activate the glutes. Remember to “load” and “explode” through the hip muscles.



Song 5: Own It, Stormzy, Burna Boy

5.   Squats

*use a resistance band above your knees if you have one

9 Way Squat Progression

7 lunges Forward

7 Lunges to the side

7 lunges to the back R diagonal

Repeat L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

You can practice this sequence with your without a band around your thighs. Stand up into full extension in between each squat.


6.   Planks and Core

Core Rolls

8 R then L alternating


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Lie on your back with your knees over your hips and your arms extended over your shoulders. Press opposite hand into opposite thigh to create resistance. Press your lower spine into the floor. Keep your trunk stiff and roll to the right. Your left hip and left shoulder should lift off the floor at the same time and touch back down at the same time. Only roll as far as you can go without losing control and without losing the stiffness in your torso.


Song 6: Luchini AKA This is It, Camp Lo

7.   Jumps

3 Way Dynamic Charleston

12 R Center – sagittal

12 L Center – sagittal

12 R Side – Frontal

12 L Side – Frontal

12 R Across the body - Transverse

12 L Across the body – Transverse


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Make sure you squat deeply into the landing leg each time. For greater challenge you can try hovering the back foot off the floor when you land in the single leg squat position.

1.     Sagittal Plane: Moving forward and back, hop on your left foot as you kick you right leg straight ahead. Then squat into right leg as you tap left toe back.

2.     Frontal Plane: Moving Side to side, hop on right foot and kick right leg straight out to the side then squat deeply in to right leg as you tap left leg out to the left.

3.     Transverse Plane: Lastly, hop on left foot and kick right leg across your body to the left and squat deeply into right leg as you tap left toe back into a curtsy position.

8.   Single Leg Balance and Stretch 

Turnout Sequence

R 4 L 4

R 4 L 4

R 4 L 4


Detailed Exercise Instruction

1.     Begin with feet hip width and parallel. Rest your right toe on the floor slightly behind in “kickstand” position. Keep all your weight over the left foot, and maintain a soft supporting knee. Rotate pelvis/trunk open to the right, and then back to the starting position. Move slowly and with resistance around the weight bearing hip. Resist rotation in the supporting leg. Do not allow the left knee to fall to the inside of your big toe. The supporting foot and knee should remain pointing straight forward the whole time.

2.     Now lift the non-weight bearing foot off the floor. Practice slowly rotating the lifted leg into external rotation and then back into the starting parallel position.

3.     Put both movements together. As the pelvis/trunk rotates open, the lifted leg also externally rotates. Then rotate everything slowly back to the parallel starting position. Keep a soft supporting knee, and maintain a stiff pelvis and spine so that you are only getting movement out of the hips.


J Fresh’s Barre 2

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.*


About Barre:

Barre was created in the 1940’s, in Germany, by the professional modern dancer Lotte Berk. She fled Germany to London in the 1950’s where she shared her work out with other dancers and artists. Barre workouts are low intensity and based on eccentric and isometric contractions. They burn out a muscle group with small, controlled movements to create long, lean muscles. They are done to music with a fast tempo. You are going to feel your muscles shake and you are going to want to stop. Keep going, breathe through this burn, this is when the muscle is changing.


Cue words to know before you start

Tuck: move your pelvis forward. Squeeze your core and glutes forward. You can tuck center, right, or left.

Down an inch/up an inch: this can be done in a squat position moving the entire body up and down or with an extended leg, keeping the muscles engaged.

Pulse: can happen at the bottom of a push-up with the arms, or in the squat. Usually to tempo.



·      light hand weights or cans of soup

·      yoga mat

·      a support: a wall, dresser, or table.




Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6wydLeqGYMCcTFTLZ66xmP?si=rRAypFVITMa4UjCHDJPswQ



1 minute

Dynamic Movement

· hands stacked on top of each other, elbows up and bent at 90. (2 8’s)

· Knees to elbows – keep a long spine (2 8’s)

· Arms up (2 8’s)

· Arms pull down (2 8’s)

· Add upper body twist (2 8’s)

· Back to center (2 8’s)

 I Want You (Forever) by Deadmau5 & Carl Cox (6:48)

2 minutes

Plank/Side Plank

· Move down to high plank (2 8’s)

· High plank isometric hold (2 8’s)

· Walk hands R,L, R, L out on the diagonal: out, out, back, back, (2 times then LRLR/LRLR)

· Tuck R,L,R,L & 4 Center (4 sets)

· Down to forearms isometric hold (2 8’s)

· Tuck R,L,R,L & 4 Center (4 sets)

· L arm down – side plank – hip dips (4 8’s)

· R arm down – side plank – hip dips (4 8’s)


3 minutes


· Explain pattern and hand positions(until the build up of music ends)

· Normal: down for 3- up 1 (4)

· R arm forward on the diagonal: down for 3 – up for 1 (2)

· L arm forward on the diagonal: down for 3 -up for 1 (2)

· Tricep push-ups (knees):

· down for 3 – up for 1 (4)

· Take a break (4 8’s)

· Repeat

· Take a break (4 8’s)

· Repeat

· Tempo (8)

· low pulses (till the music stops!!!)




7 minutes

Triceps/Biceps (2 8’s intro)

· Tricep kickbacks: (R 4, L4, Together 8)

· Isometric hold  (8)

· Up and hold (8)

· overhead triceps extensions (12)

Biceps Curls

· Lunge L back

·  Palms up (6 2 in 2 out)

· Pulses (16)

· Lunge R Back

· Hammer (6 2 in 2 out)

· Pulses (16)

· Feet come to hip width – knees slightly bent

· Palms up curl, hammer curl (8)

This Girl by Kungs vs. Cookin’ on 3 Burners (3:15)



· Lunge R and come back center with Chest Fly (8)

· Repeat L (8)

· Legs second plie with Chest Press (8)

· Same legs, Overhead shoulder press (

· R leg back in kick stand R arm Rhomboid Fly (8)

· L leg back and L fly (8)

· Fit hip width and both together (8)

· Lateral Deltoid Lift (8)

· Anterior Deltoid lift (8)

·  Out to in from Lateral to Anterior and back (4 times) 

· Arms out front palms up/palms down (16)

· Walk it out front slow (16)

· Repeat (1/2)

·  Palms up and down and walk it out on toes and as low as you can go! (8)


Hype – Flosstradamus Remix by Dizzee Rascal and Calvin Harris (4:07)


Arm Stretch

1 minute

Arm Stretch


both arms clasped behind

Can’t Go for That by Giacca & Flores (3:46)


Thigh Work

2 minutes

Set 1

Lunges 90/90

·  Full range (8 Slow)

·  Pulses (16)

·  Front heel (4 slow)

·  Hip Tucks (8)

·  Pulse with heel up optional arms first then fifth (16)

·  Repeat Left

 Start at 1:02 

2 minutes

Set 2

Hot Tub

· Press hips back (16)

· R Leg bent lifts (8)

· Bend stretch (8)

· R Leg straight small circles (8 change direction 8)

· R leg lifts (8)

· Up up hold (8)

· Isometric hold as high as you can! (8 counts)

· Both feet down and heel raises (8)

· Get lower in your squat and hold (8)   

· Repeat all with L start

· Repeat R leg ¾ bent lifts, bend stretch,circles (8,8,4,4)

· Repeat L leg ¾ bent lifts, bend stretch, circles (8,8,4,4)

Eyes by Kaskade, Mindy Gledhill (5:15)

3 minutes

Thigh stretch

 Porcelain by Moby (4:01)


Glute Work

4 minutes

Side 1

Kneeling Glute Work

4 8’s to prepare

· Pulses back(16)

· Back, back, hold (20)

·  Heel to bottom (8 slow)

· Combo – heel to bottom, out to side (4 sets)

· Just Side – outer hip (8)

· Up, up hold (8)

· 4 8’s to change sides

· Repeat L


Music Sounds Better by Est 1987 (4:36)

4 minutes

Side 2

Prone Glute Work

2 8’s intro

·  Up an inch (16)

·  Bend straighten (16)

·  Circles R/L (8/8)

·  Rainbows (16)

·  Out (8)

·  L’s Out and Ups (8)

·  Finale: Both legs L’s! (8 – hold for 2… and release)

The Girl is Mine feat. Destiny’s Child by 99 Souls (3:36)

3 minutes

Glute Stretch

Standing on the Sun Remix by Beyonce and Mr. Vegas (4:33)



4 minutes

Variation 1

· Boat

· ¾, extend (2 8’s each)

· In in arms second to first and back open (8)

· R foot lifts and down, L lift down, both lift hold (2 sets)

C Curve Center

·  Back an inch up an inch (slow 8)

· Repeat with arms fifth and first (8)

· Hold arms up and tuck (8)

· Arms forward to the R side back an inch (8)

· With arms (8)

· Arms fifth Tuck (8)

· Arms fifth and twist (4) and open arms to third (4)

· Repeat L

· Back to center Back an inch/repeat with arms/arms up and tuck

· Isometric hold in boat to finish


5 minutes

Leg lifts

· Knees to chest

· 12 o’clock, 11, 10, 9 (8? sets)

· Isometric hold for the build in the music

· Both feet on the ground, knees bent, single legs

· R leg flex point lift lower (8

· Repeat L

· Isometric hold as low as you can control it with flex and point 

· R leg turn in turn out, lift lower (

· Repeat L

· Isometric hold with turn in, turn out

Lower curls

· Slow singles

· Up up holds

· Isometric hold as low as you can control

· Repeat this patter until the end (3.5times?)

My House by Flo Rida, ARKN (5:34)


Back Strengtheners

1 minute

Abdominal Stretch

Bring me Back – Guilty Pleasure Remix by Sultan + Shepard (3:21) will have to hit next when done the stretch and moved to prone (on tummy)

2 minutes

Back strengtheners: locust, bow, bridge

· Feet lift (16)  

· Upper body lifts  (16)

· Together (16)

· Up up hold (8)

· Hold (4 8’s)

· Release, prepare

· Bow (4 8’s)

· Cat Cow

Ain’t Giving Up by Craig David (2:38)



3 minutes


With Feet on Wall

4 8’s to set up

·    Curl tail off the mat, keep ribs down.

·    Full range motion (8)

·    High pulses (16)  

·    Extend R leg

·    Full range (8)

·    Pulses (16)

·    Repeat L leg

·    Both feet back on the wall

·    Hold hips off the floor – lift heels for (16) count hold till end

Summer Nights by Tiesto, John Legend(3:10)


Final Stretch/Savasana

6 minutes

·      On back: R Hamstring: Center, R, L, center

·     Repeat L

·     Seated legs second

·     Side bend R, chest opener, fold over the leg

·     Repeat L

·     Legs together: fold over legs

·     Optional savasana

Happiness Over Everything by Jhene Aiko, Future (3:08)


It’s Better this Way by Shantel May (2:37)


 J Fresh’s SFT 3 Warm-up

*If something doesn’t feel right or hurts – don’t do it. Listen to your body. Modify where necessary. All bodies are different and even the same bodies can feel different on different days. Do what is best for you today, at this moment.*




Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0S6snyt2AECnYc5AOjNKRG?si=-yF2Pd_IRxmFvNQbnTbE7g

What is Sugar Foot Therapy? 

“Sugarfoot Therapy is a revolutionary injury prevention conditioning program created by Doctor of Physical Therapy Nicholas Cutri and professional dancer/choreographer Katie Schaar. Used by dancers and dance educators worldwide, Sugarfoot Therapy brings the exercises of sports physical therapy to dancers. When practiced regularly, these exercises are scientifically proven to help reduce injury risk.” (Sugarfoot Therapy, 2020)


They break their warm-ups and conditioning down into seven different groups. I have given you two exercises in the first group and one exercise in each of the following groups. I have copied the detailed explanation of each exercise from the teacher training manual into these notes to help you get the proper alignment.



·      Socks for a slippery floor or a slider for carpet (paper plate, plastic lid)


·      Band to add resistance to thighs (Stretchy leggings tied in a circle)


Song 1: Freedom by Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar

1.   Dynamic Stretching


Standing Hip Flexor Stretch with 5 way arms

8 with each arm R

8 with each arm L

(There is a little bit of music left at the end)


Begin in a parallel lunge, with front knee stacked directly over the ankle. Make sure back leg is straight. Make sure back leg does not turn out. Close your ribs, pull your abdominals in, squeeze your glutes. Do no arch in the lower back – lengthen the tailbone down.

Repeatedly straighten and then bend into the front knee.

Reach arms straight up over head.

Keeping arms overhead, side bend toward the front leg –

Keeping arms overhead, side bend towards the rear leg

With arms at chest height, rotate towards the front leg

With arms at chest height, rorate towards the rear leg

Complete the entire exercise on one leg. Then repeat on the other leg.


Song 2: O-o-h Child by The Five Stairsteps


3 Way Sliding Hip Flexor with Overhead Reach

*socks for slippery floors or a slider for carpet

            8 with each direction R

            8 with each direction L

            1 in each direction R and hold

            1 in each direction L and hold

            Repeat 1 more time R and L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Not in the book – from the website.


Song 3: Say it Loud – I’m Black and I’m Proud by James Brown


2.   Glute Activation


Resisted Glissades in Parallel and Fifth

*resistance band for thighs – just above the knees

            Parallel 4 forward and 4 back – 4 sets

            Turned out 4 forward and 4 back – 4 sets


Detailed Exercise Instruction

With a resistance band above your knees, start standing with feet hip width and parallel and take a squat position. Step your right foot to the front right diagonal and then bring your left foot into parallel squat position. Step your left food to the front left diagonal and then bring your right foot into the parallel squat position.

Reverse the exercise, traveling backwards. Maintain control of the resistance band and keep your knees tracking straight forward over your second toe.

Repeat the exercise working in a turned out position. Work from either first position or fifth. Be very careful to fight the pull of the band and do not allow your knees to collapse to the inside of the big toe.

Song 4: Black America Again by Common and Stevie Wonder

3.   Foot Intrinsics and Extrinsics

Inversion and Eversion on flat and relelve

            3 sets of 10 in and out on flat

            2 sets of 10 in and out on releve (toes/demi-pointe)

Detailed Exercise Instruction

Stand with feet hip width and paralle, with a slight bend in the knees. Squeeze your feet inward and then outward. Go as far as you can go in each direction, while keeping the entire sole of the foot in contact with the floor.

Repeat the exercise on relelve but only go as far as you can control. Remember the objective is to develop strength and control in the extreme positions where ankle sprains usually occur.


Song 5: This is America by Childish Gambino

4.   Lunges

3 Way Basic Lunges with Side Bend

            8 forward R

8 forward L

8 side R

8 side L

8 back diagonal R

8 back diagonal L


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Try to eliminate any wobbling in the lunging leg. Your body should land the lunge in one piece and push off from the lunge in one piece.

1.     First lunge forward (sagittal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage. Make sure you step far enough forward that the lunging leg creates a 90 degree angle.

2.     Lunge to the side (frontal plane), with toes pointing straight downstage (make sure you get your hip all the way over the lunging foot. Be careful not to step too far out to the side.

3.     Third lunge to the back right corner with the right foot and to the back left corner with the left foot (transverse plane). Your lunging foot should point toward the corner, while your trailing foot stays planted. Make sure you reach your tailbone back behind your heel to activate the glutes. Remember to “load” and “explode” through the hip muscles.


Song 6: My Power by Nija and Beyonce


5.   Squats

Plank Step to Deep Squat

            8 R foot leads (2 8’s each)

            8 L foot leads


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Take a straight arms plank position. Keep your neck in the line with your spine by lengthening forward through the crown of your head and tucking your chin in (like you have a double chin). Actively push the floor away with both hands, thinking of drawing your sternum toward your spine. Maintain stability in your shoulders and try to keep your hips level as you move your feet. Step your feet forward one at a time. Then transfer your weight into your feet to take deep squat. Then transfer your weight back into your hands and step your feet back into the plank position.


Song 7: Time’s a Wastin by Erykah Badu


6.   Planks and Core

Planks with 3 way hip drives

16 on knees in each direction

16 in plank


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Take a straight arm plank position, with hands under your shoulders and feet shoulder width apart. Tuck your chin to maintain a straight neck. Actively push the floor away with both hands, thinking of drawing your sternum towards your spine. Maintain stability in your shoulders.

1.     Sagittal Plane: Shift your hips forward, thinking of extending through the front of your hips versus arching your back. Pull your abdominals in and shift your hips back towards downward dog.

2.     Frontal Plane: Shift your hips side to side. Try not to rotate – keep your hips and shoulders square and think about gliding side to side.

3.     Transverse plane: Rotate your hips side to side. You an let the bottom knee bend in order to get more rotation.


Song 8: Don’t Shoot by The Game and Rick Ross

7.   Jumps

3 D Neural Activation Sequence

16 each way

·      Forward and back

·      Side to side

·      Twisting

·      One foot forward and one foot back

·      Out and in

·      Feet turn in and turn out


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Not in the book – from the website.


8.   Single Leg Balance and Stretch 

Single Leg Balance with Trunk/Hip Rotations

8 with R leg  

8 with L leg


Detailed Exercise Instruction

Not in the book – from the website.