Costumes: WIP Dress Rehearsal and WIP Show: April 8 & 9

Sweatpants WIP Show Costumes

Block 2
Geek USA
Nurse pants (at school)
Plain white t-shirt
Black tank top underneath t-shirt
Shoes: bare feet or toe undies
Hair: crazy messy – but out of face
Make-up: Normal stage make-up – mess it up a bit – smudgy – (put this dance at the end)

The Red Shoes
Aimee: Black socks, red shoes, come up with own costume, hair half up and half down so off of face.
Melanie: same as everyone but with a hat??? Or something?
Black leggings
Flannel – tied around waist (at school or bring your own)
Black t-shirt
Shoes: sneakers
Hair: bamboo down middle – four elastics on head and then more on the pony depending how long your hair is.
Make –up: Normal stage make –up

Block 3
Roots Shirts (at school)
Khaki pants / light grey
Shoes: dark sneakers

Beat Street
As much red as you can - try to bite some of the styles from the Youtube clips
Shoes: matching outfit - sneakers

Block 4
Scratch Promo
Shirts (at school) Frank Hurt Grad shirts if our shirts aren’t here in time.
Black pants
Shoes – dark sneakers

Beat Street
As much blue as you can – try to bite some of the styles from the Youtube clips
Shoes: matching outfit

Break Team ,Junior Team, Senior Team
Check with your coaches
All Teams Dance

I will check with Jessica – not in WIP.