Please e-mail the following information to Ms. J at before your audition. I will announce the new teams for 2009/ 2010 at the June show on the 11th! There will be late auditions in September for new students :)
Frank Hurt Dance Team Application Form 2009 – 2010
Please e-mail ( this application to Ms. Johnson by: Friday, June 13, 2008
If you are chosen to be on one of the dance teams – the contract will have to be signed and fees will have to be paid by Sept. 15, 2008 at the first meeting.
Early Auditions for the dance team are: Wednesday, June 18, 2008: 10 - 12
Full name and grade:
1. Circle which dance team(s) you are auditioning for: (8-12 can audition for senior teams.)
a) Sr. Hip Hop b) Sr. Open (jazz and modern) c) Jr. Hip Hop d) Sr. Breakdance e) Jr. Breakdance
2. If you are grade 8-10 and you are not chosen for the senior team – will you accept a place on the junior team?
3. Have you ever been on Frank Hurt Dance team before?
4. IF you have been asked to leave the team before, what was the reason?
5. Why are you interested in being on the dance team?
6. What skills and qualities will you bring to the team?
7. If you had to make your own definition for TEAM – not the Webster definition – what would it be?
Dance Team Members Health History and Contact Information:
Dancer’s Full Name:
Dancer’s Date of Birth:
Grade dancer will be in 2008 – 2009:
Dancer’s e-mail address:
Dancer’s cell phone number:
Dancer’s home phone number:
Parent name:
Parents’ daytime contact number:
Parents’ e-mail address:
Emergency name and number:
Family name and doctor:
Health card number:
List any current health problems:
List any current medications:
List any current injuries:
Do you take dance at Frank Hurt?
If no, where do you take dance classes?
School or recreation centre name and phone number:
Dance class(es) that you take:
Questions or concerns about being on the dance team:
Frank Hurt Secondary School
13940 77th Ave., Surrey
(604) 590-1311
Frank Hurt Secondary School Senior Dance Team Member’s Contract
As a member of the Frank Hurt Dance Team I agree that I have the following obligations to my team, coach, my choreographers and myself.
In the school:
Obey all school rules
Obey any classroom rules instituted by different teachers
On the team:
To attend all practices/meetings – This is extremely important for team building
To arrive at all practices and performances prepared, on time, and ready to participate
To listen to my coach/ dance captain and follow their instructions
To be positive in all of my comments and actions
If a student quits without valid reason (valid would be: injury, academic considerations, parent request) or is removed from the team for discipline reasons, the student will not be permitted back on the Dance Team the following season.
If a student misses a Dance Team practice they must show responsibility by informing the coach ahead of time. Excuses may need to be verified. A team member is only allowed to miss 3 practices in an entire season so think carefully before you miss. If a student misses more than 3 practices they will be removed from the team.
If a student is experiencing academic or behavioural problems in school he or she may be placed under suspension from the team until the matter is cleared up. Further team penalties may follow at the coach’s discretion.
This is a competitive team and performances will take place outside of school. Students must do everything possible to attend all performances. If a student cannot attend they must inform their coach as early as possible. Students will also be responsible for finding their own transportation to most performances/competitions.
I understand and will comply with the above agreement:
Team member _________________________
I will do my best to help my daughter/son follow this agreement:
Parent _______________________________
Please enclose a cheque made out to Frank Hurt Secondary to help cover team costs.
Team fee: $30 – 1st team, $15 – 2nd team, $0 – 3rd team. This fee is non-refundable.
Uniform/costume fee:
Costume – A $50 deposit is required for costumes. The deposit will
be refunded when the costume is returned in good condition. Please make a separate cheque for each of the above. Please post-date deposit cheques ‘June 1, 2009’ Please include student names and numbers on the cheques.