Footloose Information!

Over the next couple of days I will be sending you more information as to the details of Footloose (February 5, 2010).  Just a few quick points (please pass on this information as well to your students, parents and drivers):
1.  We are now sold out of spectator tickets, therefore, there will NOT be any tickets available at the door.
2. Competitor registration begins at 3:20pm and the estimated end time of the competition is 9:30pm.  Teacher sponsors must sign in with their teams.  There will be a Teacher Chaperone room with light snacks and beverages for you.
3. There will be a private practice schedule being e-mailed shortly.  Each team will have the opportunity to run through their routine ONCE in the gym (where the actual competition will occur). If your team misses this time, due to the high number of competitors, we will NOT be able to reschedule another time.  Duo's and Trio's will not have the opportunity to run through their routine in the gym.
4. BBoy/BGirl Category - the basic format is each team will have 2.5 minutes to showcase and then at the very end of the night the top four teams will be given the opportunity to battle for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th spots.  (Similar format to Battle of The Year).
5. As in past years, there will be a photo studio set up for professional team photographs to be taken for a nominal price.  The form will be sent out shortly.  *If you already know that your team/students are not interested, please let me know so I can leave your team off the photo studio schedule.
6. Doors open to spectators (parents, friends, students, family, etc.) at 6pm.  New this year will be a door for parents only :)  If your parents/drivers get there early because they are dropping off students, they can go over to Garden City Plaza for coffee (Blenz) or grab a bite to eat (various restaurants there).  The actual competition starts at 6:30pm.  Seating is on a first come first serve basis.
7. A concession stand will open up at 4pm for your energy needs.  Cash only.
8. New this year, we will be accepting your team(s) mixes via e-mail to do our part in saving the planet by not wasting CDs!  Please e-mail your team mixes to: [ ] by February 4, 2010.    Also, Footloose T-shirts will be sold for $10 and Footloose Lanyards for $3.