Outbreak Check in Time is 11:15 and Practice Time is 11:40

Warm up schedule for Outbreak April 24th

You will enter the theatre by the front entrance and check in for registration.  All dancers must wear their wristbands.
-Make sure you hand-in your music to the technician booth on the second floor of the theatre.  He will load it into the computer and when you are on stage will check to make sure he has the correct music for each of your groups.

-When on stage you may block your dances without music or run all pieces with music this is your choice.

-       You can find other space around the theatre to rehearse after your warm-up just be respectful of the theatre and the ushers.
-       Please note your check in time and the stage time. An usher will escort you into the theatre; they will show your school their seats, and then will escort them backstage to prepare for their rehearsal.
-       You will be called to the stage by a teacher that is timing the rehearsal. When you are finished you will go to your seats or you may find space to rehearse elsewhere in the theatre.

School                                     CHECK-IN                                    WARM-UP TIME

L.A. Matheson                          9:45                                                10:00
Guildford Park                        10: 00                                                10:10
Fraser Heights                        10:05                                                10:15
R.C. Palmer                                    10:10                                                10:20
Kwantlyn Park                        10:10                                                10:25
Holy Cross                                    10:15                                                10:29
Semiahmoo                                    10:20                                                10:36
Winston Churchill                        10:20                                                10:40
Sullivan Heights                        10:25                                                10:45
Queen Elizabeth                        10:35                                                10:58 
Fleetwood Park                        11:05                                                11:15
Frank Hurt                                    11:15                                                11:31
North Surrey                                    11:25                                                12:00
Rutland                                    11:45                                                12:10                                               
Pleasant Valley                        11:50                                                12:17
Princess Margaret                        12:15                                                12:27